Shawn Barney

@KalamataInterrobang: Okay good. Being 23, I still have that problem. But I pretend its the sun. You can't stare; just marvel and quickly look.

@welshdiminutiveofMargaret: Math and Chem. Sadly the boards are weird here in the city I live in, and if you don't know anyone in the board, your screwed :S.

@welshdiminutiveofMargaret: OOOO You could make soap and then sell it and send the money to a charity or use it for something worthwhile the students can use...

@welshdiminutiveofMargaret: I know some physics experiements, but no real good chem experiments. Other than making ice cream with liquid nitrogen and make soap.

@SomeAuthorGirl: Being in love with Amy Pond, I would suggest Doctor Who.

@welshdiminutiveofMargaret: Yeah, I remember my teacher in Teacher's College said, if you ever want to teach science to kids, the Anarchist's Cookbook is amazing, however completely TERRIBLE to mention in class...

@bookling: Yeah like Doc Manhatten killing those thugs. It was soo... just really? I had to see that?

@Ailanthus-altissima: I know right?! All I have is this, and it is amazing. Also, he's on SNL tonight. SQUEEL!!!

@KalamataInterrobang: YAY! :D okay so what are you drinking. I was listening to Katy Perry and I got gin and made gin and juice. And it was meh... What are you having? Can we laugh together?

@Tippi Hedren: Yeah... To be completely honest I stopped watching it after a hour. There was nothing really fascinating in it, and to be honest, I am all for violence (being a gung-ho man and all... *lair is me*) but I thought it was too violent. I know Rorschach's decent into madness was a pretty traumatizing moment.

@welshdiminutiveofMargaret: Really? Being a loser, I do not know what you mean. Can ya explain so I'm sort of ready for reading Cities...

@KiloTangoBravo: I haven't read any Dickens since the fifth grade. And it was 'Great Expectations.' So, other than the girls I had a crush on in Grade 5, I cannot remember anything about that novel. Also, it came out when the Ethan Hawke film came out... Soooo.... Yeeee

@Ailanthus-altissima: Hahah with the monkey's! Yes... Now... Why did Burns have all those monkey's again?

@voteforme: Good! Sometimes that's the only way we learn of some books.

So today I turned 23 (not a big deal), and I was walking into Chapters and walked out with a Dickens novel.