Shawn Barney

Oh Jason, Oh Jason

It's a desert on a hot night. The sunset has the colour of blood dancing around two individuals ready to battle. Their weapons? Hot Fudge Sundays.

@SorayaShirin: Basically I met some people quickly; friends of neighbours and the like. It really is fun, the bar scene is nice (haven't gone to one yet here though) but it isn't a great place to meet ppl unless you want something specific.

@weetziebat: Really wish I reread that, I meant bad and wrote bar. Ooops. Maybe I need to drink more.

@weetziebat: Don't feel too bar. You are not a loser. Enjoy the time! I just moved out at 23, and with the circumstances as they are, may move back in.

@Shawn Barney: So lately in Ottawa I've had a really great time. I've met a lot of people and gotten to introduce myself to the masses. There is one problem however:

Little rant in the reply. Sorry.

@Shawn Barney: Okay that was a complete fail. Lets try again!

I was told that, while knowing how to cook is smart, I really need to learn how to cook bacon.

@Gingerlyyours: Really? Well congratulations! :D Good to see!

@miss_sassy_pants: Yes it is awkward. But I think that has more to do with Western society than anything. But you will figure it out! :D

@funchefchick: Yeah I can understand the frustration. You think your comments are worth some merit, but then its like 'Oh... I guess not?'

@MollyGrue: Ahhhh and there is the kicker!

@gunface: Yeah that was a bit of a confusing ramble wasn't it? Sorry! Basically, I'd give ya a hug, cuz it sucks your bored, and hugs make people feel better (unless you hate hugs, which could be true). And then I was suggesting just putting music on and dancing.

@Oleander: The fact is I don't know. That's why I was asking; mostly out of curiosity. Sometimes you go on some of the bigger articles, or the ones that get more attention, and sometimes as you go through the comments you may find someone get starred.

@funchefchick: Ah yes... I remember that one. Don't know the full story, and its been long enough that I really don't need to know them anyways.

@BicuriousShoes: Obviously not enough! But congratulations goes to them :)

@Rosa - que seria de mi?!: Hmm... Interesting. Quite likely I haven't seen it because I mostly comment on the open threads and GT, and starring rarely happen here I suppose.