Shawn Barney

@copy pasta: Ew, that's worse than my suggestion even. And my suggestion was, admittedly, rather horrible.

@copy pasta: *huggles* Its too bad he, you know, used this energy of porn viewing to last long while having sex. I know I won't last long, but at the very least working on that seems more constructive.


@ccivar: Apparently the channel that HAD it, is gone now :S


@sbarney: And... I can't believe I posted that. Sorry everyone :$

Ugh. Its 2 o'clock and, to be completely and embarrassingly honest, I want sex. And its bad seeing how I know its pointless to even think that at the moment. Help me get my mind of sex and shit. Panda's!

@hellosunshine: Tell her I said hi! :D Also, I can wait a bit :) HUGGLES FOR THE BOTH OF YOU!

@hellosunshine: Skype? Also, no reason to feel bad! I look crazy when I talk to girls

I love how some songs on my iTunes I've never listened to, and then when the iTunes plays the song I immediately fall in love with. Tonight, Ray Lamontagne's Empty

@mahmahmahpokerface: Hahah okay, well its not called 'I like to fuck' so its okay then :). And there's nothing wrong with liking to have sex. This is coming from a virgin too!

@mahmahmahpokerface: It's okay. Is it the 'I like to fuck' one? Oh we can do a thread of embarrassing music I have on my laptop.