Shawn Barney
Now playing

So I ate wayy to much food today, and felt like I needed to dance to Bad Romance to lose it. This kid is my inspiration.

@needmorecoffee: Really? Maybe he superglued it? Cuz that's the thing, it NEVER moves. Leads me to think otherwise...

@najmah: Also, Jimmy Kimmel. That thing is a wig.

@najmah: I'll send you the links:

So I was reading on Gawker about the /b/ 4chan trolling going on.

Which forum should I be on: here, or #groupthink?

@notsodarling: Most mags are full of bullshit, sadly. Even my favourites like GQ (SUITS ARE AWESOME), or Rolling Stone.

WHY ISN'T THE SOUP IN CANADA?! I want to watch this show more and more :(

@veronykah: I may not be a man (okay, boy) you date, but thanks. It makes things so much better.

@notsodarling: Whats sad is I used to read these articles. And think it might be true. I am sadly, not shitting you.

@Artemis47: I think so, but truth be told my brain is working at 1.8^-10 capacity so I'm just going to agree.

@Laertus: While I agree, being this is my first season of Who, I can forgive the technical mishaps and I am really enjoying the season.

@transitnap: It really isn't fair. We need to sic the Dalek's on the BBC

@Chip Overclock: And you don't even have Amy Pond to look at?! THAT CAN NOT STAND!

@thePrototype: Maybe, true. But I dunno, if you aren't careful wouldn't you start going "I like salt, BUT I REALLY WANNA GET HOT SAUCE ON THIS." Hopefully they can resist the urge for that sauce.

Okay seriously that scripture thats applied is totally not applicable in this case. Here we have E'sau, who in Biblical days, was a bit of a douche. For many reasons other than the whole fact of gaming.

@clevernamehere: Maybe its only less than a minute? They can do it much faster?

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Isn't it annoying?! You can't even watch it practically, you have to stop it and go back and repeat ad naseum :(