Shawn Barney

After reading the article I have to agree. Trying to watch season 5 of Doctor Who was really difficult to hear sometimes, and then deciphering English/Scottish accents proved to be difficult, sometimes impossible. I'm watching it again and I've noticed I pick things a lot better but still.

I'm surprised its at 1PM EST, don't they usually do it at 1PM PST? Or is it really don't at 10AM PST and I'm just being silly?

@EBone: Gosh darnit!

So I'm assuming this can't work if you have a Hyundai and a Mazda... It needs to be two cars from the same manufacturer correct?

@bookling: Yeah I decided to do that. Thanks for the help! *huggles*

Now playing

I'm such a sucker for this song right now, but I want to say goodnight to all with this song.

@teachem: Whats EFL? I'm in Canada so I don't know these things lol

@feelingHELLAstabby: *huggles* Pass it around too, hugs are not meant to be kept to ones self

@HowaboutNo: I think you need to be a star commentator on the site to promote comments. I can approve and promote comments on Giz and io9, but not here, for instance

@teachem: I'm thinking of the same. Have you looked at agencies like Protocol Education or Impact Teachers?

@bookling: Here becomes the problem! By doing that, would I get backlash because he's gay? You know what I mean? Could people say like I'm being homophobic, when really I just don't want to know about his sex life?

@shepoosclouds: Fashionable people, doing questionable thinnngs :)

@SarsDoesntSave: Maybe its your not attracted to anyone, just those at bars? *huggles* Anyways I feel for ya

@Shawn Barney: I'm thinking about my Twitter page, specifically one follower. If I sent out a lot of Twitter updates going on about how I wanted pussy, or I was going on about how I cummed in a girls ass, getting a piece of ass before work, I would be vilified wouldn't I? Its TMI and I doubt anyone, male or female,

I have a perplexing question: in the reply!

@edna electro: Same here actually. Why must we always break the servers?! I wonder if this has more to do with updating their servers for the eventual upgrade of their websites than having... Server problems?

@obfuscator: I would say Gomorrah... Just because its the only one I've heard of, and I heard to was god. Not to mention its depressing how Italy is strangled by crime.

@edna electro: That seems more important after the finale of Lost...

@junior ghoul: It was slightly different. Only covered the first two seasons but wasn't that bad. I'd say rent it and see what you think