Shawn Barney

@junior ghoul: It was the movie they came out with after the series ended :p

Nice article Luke. Sums up pretty much what I think about the move.

@junior ghoul: Yeah they did, it really was awesome to see how these two copies of the same cylon would differ in such a way. This was again proven in 'The Plan' with One

@junior ghoul: I suppose. Like we saw that Caprica 6 was different from say, Helen on the Pegasus.

@Kirkaiya: I'm pretty sure she was still Boomer. Her evolution to Athena wasn't affirmed yet.

"It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known."

@jahomaelf: I suppose running through the Caprican forest, hiding from Cylons, would produce an overwhelming amount of adrenaline. Nothing makes a person more focus than their own extinction.

@notsodarling: Yeah... Damn Penikett. Least I can say he's Canadian. We're bred like that.

I didn't know I was supposed to hate the title sequence. It was jarring at first but I've come to love it. I haven't seen Serenity, but I have watched the first 10 minutes. Not a single slide guitar. This saddens me.

I see this as a opportunity for the forums to be free of trolls. I mean its easy to post defamatory remarks when your masked behind a user name like naters10 or something obscure. Trolls don't want to be known, and having their name up for everyone to see can prove to be a damning effect.

@ShaiHulud: There is a radical shift in how the Daleks will be shown now in the next few Series.

@Xaero_Dumort: I hope we see them more often, because I read that they each have a special function but damned if I could tell what each did during the episode. Mostly be afraid of a tea cookie?

@Archon Divinus: Couldn't agree with you more. I've been acting like that for years too! I'M A TIME LORD :D

@namesRhard: I wonder if the Doctor will discover that in his next journey with them!

@8thR: Yeah I guess the updated them in the new series. I've been watching it but I still don't understand why the update was necessary.

@8thR: Let's try this again...

Is it just me or are the new 360s becoming the new Daleks?

@Sev: Awh the Interrupter!! That guy was

@The HZA.: I was never really into her. Until Body Talk. I am now a fan, FOREVER!!

Now playing

It's an awesome song, and you may like the hotties in it. And this is coming from a straight man!