Shasta Ko

The commenters here who think a parent who has had their child die tragically somehow needs to be held more accountable baffle me. I can think of no worse thing than losing my child. People have no empathy anymore.

I think the better question is: does there always have to be someone to blame? 

Given my job, it’s not hard to guess where I stand. I think this is a clear-cut case of the world wanting to hold somebody responsible for a tragedy, whether it’s just or not. What punishment could be worse for this man than what has happened? This is not an intentional act. This is a horrible tragedy, and while

I think that WaPo article should be required reading for everyone.

Nope, you’ve seen it. It’s just that you were expecting it to be something fascinating. It isn’t.

I see where you’re going, but I think the only selfless parenting move is fostering children. Everyone who wants a child wants one for selfish and vain reasons.

As a millennial, I have to say that I don’t know any men OR women my age that can competently sew a button or mend a frayed shirt. Things like UberEats and DoorDash and PostMates are quite popular across gender divides.

This fat shaming brand needed to die in a fire over a decade ago. I still vividly recall trying on clothes in there when I was a size 9, which translated to a Forever 21 size 13.

Their “plus size” offerings were in no way redeeming.

As Lord Dominator and Billie Eilish say, “I’m the bad guy.”

F*ck those people.

Crazy. My wife was 39 when we got married. Everyone’s timeline is different.

You protect your own, no matter how goddamn trash they are. That alone proves there’s no good LEO out there, including you. Unless you have personally turned in every dirty cop you know of (and you are lying through your fucking teeth if you’re going to claim your precinct doesn’t have any), you can kindly go fuck

The problem (as I see it) is that Gob_Hobblin’s phrasing suggested that survival is a cops primary goal, when everyone else’s survival should be their priority. I mean protect and serve is the basic job description right? While it certainly happens, the general assumption isn’t that healthcare workers are putting

The question I have is why do european cops manage to immobilize suspects by shooting them in the arms or legs instead of emptying their whole magazine into the suspect until that person is sure to be dead? The reality that is practiced over here kind of dismantles your whole argument, I am afraid.

This show has never been about surrealism.

I read on Twitter that Rob said some would love this show and some would hate it. Sadly, I hated it. I hated the Twitter reaction even more. I’m going to be honest, because sometimes I try to please everyone with how I word things and I’ve decided that doesn’t work. I hated this for a very basic reason:
This show is

Just logistically, is there a single other moment in the last 13 years which would suggest Mac could successfully plan and execute such a graceful and complicated piece of choreography? Or that Frank would respond well to interpretive dance? “A scuzzy character is unexpectedly moved by high culture” can work as a joke

Damn, are you my copy? Haven’t seen my dad since I was 8 but yet I try my damn-est to be the best Dad I can because mine was not there for me. Sad part his his side of the family lives 30 miles away and had NOTHING to do with me or my brother growing up. Born in ‘71 myself and Mr. Rodgers was one of the best things on

I can relate to this. My dad only told me last year he was proud of me. He said I’m such a good father and he’s proud of me for that. I didn’t have the heart to tell him its because he was never around for me that I made myself be all he wasn’t (for me)for my kiddo. I’ll take to my grave as far as he’s concerned.

On the show, he would say, “I love you just the way you are.” One day I said, “Fred, were you talking to me?” And he looked at me and he said, “Yes, I’ve been talking to you for two years and you finally heard me today.” And I just collapsed into his arms. I started crying. That’s when I knew I loved him.