Shasta Ko

Your last paragraph there says it all really. Sex is great and becomes a more interesting activity over time until maybe it reaches that tipping point of being great but no longer a personal obsession. Our culture could do with a nudge in the direction of, “Meh, it’s only sex.” We’ve really turned it culturally into

What does jail time achieve? Deterrence? His lifetime of extreme guilt and sorrow has that covered. Reform? This isn’t an habitual behavior subject to reform. The only option left is Shaming, which seems a weak justification for the expense to the state of imprisoning a heartbroken father.

Where’s the article on Kamala Harris's new Republican student loan forgiveness plan for the boot-strappiest among us? Surely it needs be derided at length on here, even if it's been done elsewhere. 

By the way, I’m a gay man with a severe disability raised white working class. I brush my teeth, wash my clothes and clean my house and in fact cook amazing meals for many of my women friends who hate cooking. I made my own clothes for a period in high school and used to dance ballet before my neurological disorder

From your theoretical perspective. I tend to believe that gender essentialism is bigotry regardless of power asymmetry and that there’s always a more complex picture than just man v. woman, one that requires a more meaningful class analysis than your perspective allows. If a bunch of upper middle class white women are

Married people are the very worst advertisement for the institution. Most are desperately dissatisfied and bored. At this point, I’m just privately handicapping their inevitable divorces.

That’s fair. My first response to her was an incredibly mild corrective and I should have let it suffice. Fighting deep ignorance on the internet is a fairly quixotic pursuit. 

You’re right, I concede that MOST men are enfeebled babies incapable of even keeping themselves alive. What was I thinking attempting to treat others with respect and dignity? I should just traffic in specious ignorance as a way to reinforce my own biases. 

A #notallmen statement would be something like: Not all men commit sexual assault. It’s true but beside the point and a way to gaslight people and diminish their suffering.

I don’t know. “People’s clothes wouldn’t be clean during the post-apocalypse” doesn’t really seem to be the point you were making nor does it seem like something that would change depending on the most numerous gender.

This is incredibly silly. Men buy new toothbrushes when they need to, like every other human on Earth. Like most people living today in developed countries, most men don’t have any need to mend their clothes but undoubtedly some can and what’s more, they’re capable of learning should it become necessary. Stains out of

It’s not a #notallmen statement, it’s an assertion that what you’re saying is deeply sexist and is identical to some of the worst sexist rhetoric employed to oppress women historically. You don’t have to care about that or act on principle, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re making sweeping negative

Dunno, that makes the assumption that men universally have identical skills and flaws. Given how many single adult men manage to dress themselves, keep clean houses and feed themselves, straight, gay or otherwise, I’m not sure how the disappearance of women would change that. For many of these men, women are

One of the things she actually is not (and intentionally isn’t) is a law student. 

I’m still ignominiously single in the autumn of my 35th year. I walk around with a black bag over my head to hide my shame and to cause as little offense to the marrieds as possible. 

Ah federal law enforcement. That is a different kettle of fish for sure, particularly when dealing with some of the libertarian crazies in TX. 

Where in Texas? I’m from San Antonio originally. I know the type you speak of and understand your personal concern with them, but those are definitely the people whose interests you are employed to protect, whatever your personal feelings about them are. I suspect your punishment for opening fire on one of them would

Maybe I should have said “propertied whites of real means”. The property of the white wealthy mainstream of society. Not backwoods rednecks in compounds, which is what it sounds like you're referring to. 

Most religious people are in fact good folk. The rancor aimed at them is understandable but probably too broadly applied. There’s collectivity and a mutual aid to religious communities that often don’t exist as strongly outside of them. 

Still waiting to hear love or pride from mine, but my approach to parenting would likely be similarly informed by my father’s distant anger approach. The strange thing is that these guys don't know they were terrible fathers.