
The Caitlin Moran piece from the same issue tackles that in a really great way IMO.

I’m in Houston too. And apparently a naked guy was trying to stop cars in my neighborhood (Willowbend at S. Post Oak) at midnight last night/this morning.

So. A nekkid bomb or something,

Jalopnik ran a story on it. The comments pretty much echoed those sentiments.

What a fun skill to have! I hope there are instructional videos on YouTube. I’m sure there must be.

Gross. But if she were young and “hot” they would have been salivating through their posts. So predictable.

I had to read the reverse racism thing 10 times before I got where he was going with it so I can’t even imagine the mental gymnastics he had to do to convince himself of it. White guys...

Ugh I hate those because even when they know you’re right they won’t admit it.

I like to comment “There go you but for the grace of God”. They either a) feel like assholes or b) make themselves look like assholes by listing all the ways that mental illness/poverty/homelessness/literally anything else people think they’ve achieved on their own, couldn’t happen to them.

I didn’t see anything other than someone complaining about the traffic, but to be fair 290 traffic is horrible anyway

My Texan friend tells me “lasso” doesn’t always literally mean to catch with a rope. It kinda means to “wrangle” or “catch” less accurately. So they probably tried to grab and cuff her unsuccessfully.

Shockingly, I haven’t seen any body shaming of her on my feed, just a lot of “Monday” meme’s.

How horrifying. But also, how gratifying to hear that the rescue people on the scene seemed to be legitimately concerned for her safety and dignity.

Yes, absolutely. And I try to gently get into those conversations about biases and prejudices with my friends who think that way, but as soon as you touch that nerve they get super defensive and a wall goes up and it’s like “YOU’RE TRYING TO ACCUSE ME OF BEING RACIST!!!”

Um, since condoms don’t fully protect against several STIs, I’d suggest you revise your advice to this:

As a bisexual cis woman, I do often feel erased from LGBT discussions but it rather pales in comparison to the issues trans men and women face.

Word. Whoooole lotta people on “our” side who would be good, hateful Republicans if not for the accident of their sexuality.

The issues that LG have with BT are bullshit. Can’t speak for trans people (though the above speaks for itself) but lesbians can be very hostile towards bi women (obviously not all lesbians! Lots of them are lovely and supportive!), their main problem seeming to be that bi women ‘always end up with men’. It might be

The movement has had problems with transgender and bisexual members. Trans and bisexual people are very often erased from discussion, and thereby any action for their rights is stunted. As the article says, if this sentiment originated from the trans community, I think it would warrant more unpacking. As it is

The argument is basically just that white gays have completely forgotten that much of the privilege they enjoy was accomplished by riding on the backs of trans women of color.

In which some LGB folks prove that, were they not queer, they would hate on LGB people.