
I’m so tired of my curly hair not being “nice” or “professional” enough. It’s so ridiculous that curly hair has some kind of weird value attached to it.

“I tried for MONTHS to urge people to actually read the 36 page ordinance to see that there is no mention of bathrooms.”

Thank you for trying. It’s people like you who make this state a better place to be.

263,000 voters was the number I saw for City of Houston. Maybe 600,000 was Harris County?

As a Texan I am very sad this happened.

YES!! THANK YOU!! I’m glad I’m not the only damned person here that realizes that it was voter apathy that took this down and not “Houston is full of sweaty bigoted rednecks” because “sure why not”!

Yep, the ones I know are white, relatively well-off, cis, straight, women though, mostly. Trying to have even a minimally political conversation is like talking to a wall. I have better luck with my 5 year old nephew. They don’t give two shits about anything, social or economic. They literally have no opinion. Because

Fellow ashamed Houstonian here. I know too many people who aren’t even registered and almost make it a point of pride. Because apparently it’s “cool” to be apathetic.

I’ve always defended Houston to you all, but today I’m going to stop. Today I’m finally ashamed to be a Houstonian. Only 600,000 people voted. Out of 2.2 million. I blame all of the people I know who were eligible to vote and didn’t because they were “too busy” or “their vote wouldn’t matter,” or forgot to register or

“Houston voters say no to men in the ladies room,”

You know, it would likely be an endlessly frustrating and mildly traumatic suicide mission, but you could always accept their offer and use it as an opportunity to infiltrate their bubble.

Urgh. Yes. My partner’s family’s approach to issues of inequality is that it’s “too hard” and “complicated” so they don’t want to think about it, whereas my white middle class mother tells me off for making her feel bad. Apparently I’m no fun and super boring and “offensive” for finding racist, sexist, transphobic and

That’s my response when people query how I went to a Catholic all-boys private school - it was one of the best and I have a lot of opportunities I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise, and I learnt to run super fast from the guys who wanted to beat up the gay and learnt to argue sparring with teachers over whether or not I

It’s funny to see such “white supremacy” in the states - I mean, that shit is usually reserved for poor people in Europe, and TBH aren’t Americans just mutts so aren’t even that pure (If you really want to be a racist about it)

Ah yes, that “post-racial America” we’re supposed to believe in, right?

yeah man. it was quite a wringer of bullshit, but i’m really glad i went there, in retrospect — i think for anyone whose political instincts are legitimately progressive, the school really gets you thinking about them early, and tests them hard

I only know one, and she fits your description. She started college at SMU and then transferred to my school in California because— get this— she didn’t get into the sorority she wanted at SMU. So she rushed and joined it at our school, so then I had to be in a sorority with her. I always just thought she was

The stereotypes are true, us black men love taffy. We will steal her taffy. Especially if it’s Salt Water Taffy.

i was gonna say “remember the good times, like when they held a chapel service after 9/11 and played footage of people falling from the towers and told us it was because of gay marriage”