
So how do men know that magic moment when their partner is ready to commit? Oh, right, they don’t-they just get to decide when they’re ready and then ask. All this talk of ‘ultimatums,’ is really just saying that when a woman is the one bringing up marriage it’s suddenly not a proposal or a discussion, it’s her being

That’s fucked up. Although, given how often grown people shit right in dressing rooms, that doesn’t surprise me.

Do what moms do on Facebook: fling shit at other moms.

Executive produced by Sam Ronson.

i hope they make one starring a female dj who gets treated like shit and never reaches mainstream success because she’s a woman.

Totally possible. Although they also may not have OK’d the socks. I’d expect major companies to make sure they had permissions but it's been done before by other companies without the rights so who knows.

YES AND I NEED AN INVITATION hahaha - the SnBs I go to involve drinking craft beer and eating nachos so we’re almost the same level hahaha

18 is a lucky number.

It does if I can count my former roommate of 5 years and I sitting around knitting and cross stitching late into the night while watching soft-core porn on Cinemax as a craft group, too.

You guys, I squeed and hand flapped reading that note. I love RBG so much. She is perfect.

Please be Margaret Atwood :DDDD

Mama, I’m down. I’m a costume designer in the process of building a leather gorget for a lady samurai (not me, I wish). It’s all about the arts we keep from getting lost! Bravo.

After the OJ trial, my mom sent Marcia Clark a note saying she appreciated her efforts and was sorry she had lost the case. Marcia Clark replied with a very nice handwritten thank you note.

I’m going to send one to Judge Judy. How do you think the Thank You note will read?

RBG knows what real artistry is

Do you think Justice Ginsburg would be my pen pal?