
I tried an instant ramen recipe recently that I streamlined so that it was: ramen, peanut butter, spicy dumpling sauce, and chopped green onion on top. It was tasty as hell. Not even embarrassed.

It seems to me that fish oil is an odd choice when scraping together the simplest three ingredient version of pad thai.

You mentioned this in passing so I just want to pull it back out of the ether:

Women of color are vulnerable. Women of SIZE are also vulnerable (regardless of color, but especially if they are both of color AND size).

All the discussions sparked around this issue seem to focus entirely on the fact that women are

Uggghhhhhhh. Fish sauce is one of those things, that used wisely it is just pure excellence. Used badly it smells and tastes like someone's rotting toe jam.

I'll have the EasyPad Thai, hold the ramen noodles and fish oil, with a side of toast.

You didn't send in the Easy Pad Thai recipe you actually tried that was just ramen noodles, peanut butter, and fish oil. That sounds wondrous.

I'm with you 100% on that one!

I'll do you one more controversial: I prefer this version to the Colin Firth version.

Do you even know the background of what happened after that tree fell on him? He got a HUGE settlement (as in, he's a millionaire now because of it) then worked to put tort settlement caps in place so no one else could cash in like he did.

What's shocking is that 20 years ago, Williams's behavior towards Ann Richards and that rape comment sunk his political career. Today? He would be a hero in the Republican party. That's how much things have changed.

I...can not with this week as a young black woman I like to think of myself as optimistic but they are wearing me down. It upsets me because she isn't even talking to a black person and yet the n-word comes out of her mouth and all brown people look alike amirite? It flowed out too you can tell she uses it all the

Texans like Mayor Parker are the reason I refuse to leave my state to the crazies.

I asked something similar on a different article and it turns out that years of dying her hair red on Victorious and Sam and Cat has left her hair super damaged so she wears it in a ponytail with lots of extensions because that's all she feels comfortable with right now :/

I understand that the music higher ups are trying REALLY hard to have us think this girl is the reincarnation of Mariah Carey or some other pop princess but it ain't going to happen. The hyper-sexualization is just completely ridiculous considering she doesn't look old enough to drive yet, she sings dance songs yet

I can't watch it more than once to check because I value myself more than that.

Pretty sure she is. The contract also stipulates that she must tilt her head to display a 3/4 profile from the left side at all times.

I feel pain in my scalp every time I see a picture of her. All that pulling can't be good for her hair. Maybe she's like Jenna Maroney, she needs something to hurt in order to be able to sing, who knows. She still looks 12 years old with that hairstyle though.

*nods* whenever I compliment someone (it's a bit different since I'm a woman complimenting other women, but still) it's because they're wearing an interesting dress or a cool piece of jewelry, and that's what I'm complimenting.


Someone is cranky. I'm sending your mother down with more hot pockets.