
Yo PLEASE dont link to Amazon. There are many other, better places to get yr books on (see independent book seller or public library)

At this point, I feel like I'm the only person in this country who can eat milk products and gluten with no problem.

Luckily, this doesn't take place in an Earthly realm. But, still. Yeesh.

So very very uncomfortable!

I love the contortions GoT fans go through to defend this

Well, that doesn't mean she tried to get pregnant. ;) Sadly, a lot of women don't know how their own bodies work. Better sex ed badly needed!

Clearly your friends have never tried to get pregnant. Anyone who has struggled with infertility will assure you that a fertilized egg is NOT the same as a pregnancy. The egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube, and then takes 5+ days to travel down into the uterus, where it may or may not implant, i.e. burrow into

I feel you! I've never understood why the women's sizes in field gear top out at large, XL if you're lucky but men's go up to 4x. My co-workers and I always gripe that it's not like most outdoorsy girls are pixies. I get the men's sizes too, but the length is always too long in the sleeves and really baggy everywhere

I have the same problems with waders and my hourglass shape (E cup, smaller waist and huge badonkadonk). I usually have to get a men's XL stout, which is still tight in the hips and also then have to deal with a good 5 or 6 inches of extra toe room in the boot. My job just sprang for a pair of custom SIMS and I'm in

What is the OBSESSION with the mud rooms on that show? I can't give you a functional kitchen, and your kids will still have to sleep beside the water heater. BUT HERE'S A MUD ROOM!

Love It or List It cured my depression. Just kidding...but not really.

You are wrong, and you should feel bad about that.

Yes BUT that 5 bedroom house is in the boonies with no nearby shopping/restaurants/friends. I refer to the show as "Let's Hate on Hilary for Our Undiscovered House Defects." But I love it every time!

There is always a gigantic tool family that doesn't like the house because they don't like the fucking furniture and I'm sitting there screaming at the TV "THAT ISN'T YOURS YOU DON'T EVEN GET TO KEEP IT!"

I feel really bad for the real estate guy. Does anyone ever pick the houses he shows them? I feel like I can see a piece of his soul die every time someone decides to "Love it."

Houston has one of the first openly gay mayors of a major city in the U.S., and is the largest U.S. city with an openly gay mayor. Also, she has be re-elected three times. All this, in the 4th largest U.S. city, hosting the south's largest gay pride parade (for almost 40 years). Meanwhile, Houston is more

I don't know that I would call the rest of Texas a "desert of discrimination." I live in Houston. Our mayor is a lesbian. And we just passed an equal rights ordinance. Don't lump the major cities in with the tiny towns.