
That’s a good comment! I got sucked into trying to explain why talking about her body isn’t cool. That was a pointless argument, unfortunately.

Even if she didn’t have mental problems and was just tryna have a party naked in the middle of the freeway, fat shaming her still wouldn’t be cool. One person said she looked like a toasted marshmellow that had melted down the stick a little. So horrible.

290 is a hellscape, for sure

Yeah, I’ve seen those too.

So I live in Houston, and people have been posting stories about this ALL DAY. The worst thing about all the posts was that there was always some asshole, usually a white cis man, who showed up to fat shame this woman, because you know any female body out there doing anything is up for discussion! *flames on the side

Love this list, but can we get some woke baes for us lady lovin’ ladies?

I know I’m late to this comment party, but there’s actually quite a bit of scholarship these days that claims that Caliban is actually supposed to be Native South American and would be more brown than black, since European colonialism in the Americas had been going on for at least 100 years and Shakespeare would have

lol you're welcome

Oh I'm not insulting Eminem! He was super talented in his prime and had a really unique vision and executed it perfectly every time. But, if you go around saying rap isn't real music, but you like Eminem? The one white guy who does it well? There might be some latent racism in there.

Yeah I hear that. The worst is when the same people who deny deny deny that rap is “real” music turn around and are like “but I like Eminem/Mackelmore.” Seriously???? You're proving my point here!

It's also racist, dude. Racism is why people can dismiss all of hip hop as an art form simply because it's not their thing. But no one is going around saying classical music isn't real art because it's not their thing.

YES. Tons of STD’s dont require penetration for transmission, and condoms don’t cover all sorts of areas that do some rubbin’ anyway. I got syphillis this way. I’ve never had unprotected sex, but I still got it! It’s a scary world out there!

I agree. I’m bisexual, and I’ve had many lesbians accuse me of being on a “tour” whenever they found out I’m bi. It’s disheartening, and frankly insulting to me and my girlfriend. Bi erasure is a real thing! But we certainly don’t face the same sort of violence that our trans friends face.

Thank you!

Hi yeah, you’re mistaken on the legal definition of “public accommodation.” It has nothing to do with restrooms.

exactly. And you don’t ever have to reregister unless you move. It’s so simple.

Um, I wholeheartedly embrace Ken Burns documentaries. I NEED A 24/7 KEN BURNS CHANNEL IT’S MY RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN DAMMIT.

oh you’re right. Got the numbers mixed up. Thank you for pointing that out! Fixing now....

YES. I’m literally asking everyone I talk to today and asking if they voted. If they didn’t, they should be ashamed of themselves.

Yeah, many cis, white, straight women I grew up with probably didn’t vote. Which is ridiculous, because HERO would have helped them too! I know single women who’ve been denied housing because a landlord “didn’t like their lifestyle” (aka didn’t want to rent to a single woman because single women are ~harlots~ or