
YES. I hope every Montrose hipster realizes that they’ve screwed themselves and their loved ones over because they couldn’t put down the fucking Nietzche for a minute and get over themselves. Most of the people I know who don’t vote are white, cis, straight men, which is no surprise. I had so many people comment on my

Also I used to not be in the greys? Why am I back?

I’ve always defended Houston to you all, but today I’m going to stop. Today I’m finally ashamed to be a Houstonian. Only 600,000 people voted. Out of 2.2 million. I blame all of the people I know who were eligible to vote and didn’t because they were “too busy” or “their vote wouldn’t matter,” or forgot to register or

Lol I'd get fired so fast! I'm still friends with the one liberal teacher I there. She did it on the DL, and they fired her while she was on medical leave.

lol I've thought about that, but I don't know if I could tow the party line without going insane.

the US has a long history of racism, and unfortunately people think it ended with the Civil Rights movement.

Southern Methodist University, I think.

It’s pretty difficult, especially when your own family has those sorts of opinions. I don’t let it deter me from activism, but I know my family gets annoyed at me when I try to talk social justice or politics with them, even if I’m just joining a conversation they started. I’m white, and my parents are white, and my

lol maybe! My little sister knew which sororities she wanted by the time she graduated HS for sure.

right, and they all decided to go somewhere super progressive, diverse, and inclusive. sure.

oh that happens ALL THE TIME. I know several women who transferred schools because they didn’t get the sorority they wanted, or stayed in a sorority/school they hated because they were in the "best" sorority, whatever that means. They all seem nice enough at first, but then you realize that these are adults who care

daaaamn yeah, I was in 7th grade then. We had a memorial service and it wasn’t that bad, but we definitely got the whole “This is God’s wake up call to America because we’re too sinful” speech. Yawn. Even then I didn’t buy that bullshit. I do remember having slut-shamey chapel talks about how girls shouldn’t wear

and basically any other -ist you can think of

Yeah exactly. Real talk: we went to the same high school. You were three (I think?) grades above me. So you know how it is. People who are nice, but also totally not nice because they're racist / classist / sexist / think Prop 1 is about bathrooms.

I grew up with several girls who went on to join sororities at SMU and let me tell you, every single one of them posts victim-blaming posts in response to police violence against people of color, even about the girl from Spring Valley. So yeah, rich white 19 year olds in Dallas are racist, and go on to be rich white

YES FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT. Look, if marriage is something you 100% for sure want in your life, you owe it to yourself to find out if that’s what your SO wants, and then move on if they don’t so you can find someone else who wants it. There’s nothing wrong with that. Why are women vilified when we assert our needs,

Yes! There are many liberals in Texas! They just invalidate our votes thru ridiculous gerrymandering. Obama won Harris County in 2012. There’s hope! Another issue is that young progressives (and in my experience, they’re usually male) tend to be quite apathetic and don’t vote, because they don’t see how it affects

The fact that that is so common makes me so sad! It’s because of a lack of access to unbiased information on the issues. This is how republicans get elected! Poor/middle class people who don’t have access to information or time to get it see the rich people and think “if I vote the way they vote, I’ll be rich like

Yeah, this protest is a good idea, but you're right that it's a bit off. The law is CONCEALED carry, which means the student would be arrested if the gun is no longer concealed. Carrying dildos around is fun and I see their point, but it's not QUITE the same.

Dirty diaper story. I worked at a clothing store in high school that had a very large handicapped fitting room. Sometimes we’d let mothers with strollers use it, because the strollers took up the fitting room space and no one could get anywhere. Also, said moms would often throw a fit until we let them use it. Anyway,