
Fashion. Although most plus size brands start at size 14, the models are usually a size 8 or 10, which is maybe why the blurb starts plus size at size 10?

Did this church happen to be Second Baptist? Eh eh?

Yeah, my full bush is super comfortable. I mean, it itches occasionally, but it's nowhere near as itchy and painful as hair growing back after shaving. I shaved for awhile in high school after becoming sexually active, but decided I hated it and stopped. I actually get bush envy when I see actresses with bushes fuller

I agree. I’ve gotten alot of hate by women by saying that before, but I just think it’s true. Shaving is painstaking and it itches like crazy when it grows back; waxing is painful and expensive. I 100% believe that women wouldn’t do it if they weren’t being told by men/society that it’s prettier with no hair or that

Same! I think it looks prebuescent too. And the implications of female hairlessness creeps me out. If most men prefer us to look like children, what does that say about male sexuality? A BUNCH. I also hate the weird vitriol against women who keep it natural. I don’t know if you’re following the weird

I know! I shouldn’t have even replied, but I just couldn’t hold it in. The craziest part is that he maintains that he’s not demanding anyone do anything, but then suggests I demand it. I’m pretty sure saying you have to do x to get x counts as a demand.

Dude, that language is insulting to women who choose not to shave. Calling a time when most women kept it natural “dark” and “frightening forestry,” and then turning around and calling a time when most women shave “beautiful”, “magical”, and “progress” is insulting and dehumanizing. I get that you like a shaved pussy,

But you just told me to demand it? Sorry, I’m not trying to be super argumentative here, just trying to understand your reasoning. I get that personal preference is a thing, but to just straight up only have doggy style sex with women who have pubic hair seems excessive to me. What if you really like a woman, but she

I’m not from the 70s. I’m just a person who thinks people should be able to do what they want with their bodies without being told they’re gross by someone with whom they have a sexual relationship. If a person likes to shave, that’s great! They should do it for their own reasons, not because their partner “demands”

Girl I get men’s pubes stuck in the back of my throat when I give blowjobs. It’s not pleasant; but just part of the job, and I don’t start demanding that every man shave his pubes because of it. People have hair and hair ends up in pesky places sometimes! Frankly, I’d much rather have a stray hair in my teeth than

I feel bad for your partners, dude. I wouldn’t enjoy being with a man who is so grossed out by my body; and I can imagine other women wouldn’t either.

Edit to add: Sorry for the typos! Posting on your phone is v. difficult.

AMEN. I find the language people use to express pubic hair preference really horrible. It implies that unshaven automatically equals unhygienic. All sorts of people are all “I don’t mind how a bush looks, but I prefer it shaved for hygienic reasons.” Um, there’s a reason our bodies have evolved to have pubic hair on

“Inspiring because anybody* can be beautiful enough to be a model.”

Ashaaantiiiiii where are youuuuuuu

Yeah, I casually mentioned to a good friend of mine (who has a dog) that I just didn’t like dogs that much. Like they’re cool and if there’s one there I’ll pet it, but I’m not over-the-moon into dogs, and I just prefer cats. Her eyes basically fell out of her head and she basically shamed me for not liking them for a

Yeah, or if you’re not a tall thin lady, all you get to do is sit behind a desk and suck on a cigar. I was really excited to see what sort of costume Lena Dunham would wear, but of course she’s not a thin model type, so only her face is shown. Sigh.

I was 12. My mom, my sister (who was 7 or 8 at the time) and I were sitting in traffic in her Suburban, and I was in the front seat. Our car was next to a bus, and I noticed a grown man staring out of the bus window at me. I tried to ignore him, but sometimes it’s really hard to not look back to see if someone is

We're close personal friends irl so text me the show and I promise not to post it on Jezebel. I gotta know!

We're close personal friends, so text me the show and I promise not to post it on Jezebel. I gotta know.