
So THAT'S what it is! I've been thinking it was "buzzin on tha b" for YEARS.

I will always be thankful to this movie for introducing 13 year old me to Joni Mitchell.

When my mother was 25, she lived in an apartment that was adjacent to her landlords. Apparently her bathroom had a lot of mirrors, some of which were in weird places. One night, my dad (who was just her new boyfriend at the time), noticed one of the mirrors was a two way mirror. He called a cop friend and they went

I wish I could have shown this essay to all the "good white people" at the protest against racist police brutality on Saturday. So many white people would shout chants that totally took away the focus on racism and just directed it towards police brutality in general. Before we started, the guy who organized the

Whiplash was so relentlessly intense. He deserves it. Best film I've seen in awhile!

Whoever wrote the Anaconda video review has a pretty bad understanding of what the male gaze is. The male gaze was the camera, and Nicki pandered to it pretty hard. Having no men in the video made it even more obvious, to me. This song is no better. It's all about how her male friends see her as a sex object.

I love her, especially after the thing about Mark Kozelek. Red House Painters and Sun Kil Moon were two of my favorite bands until recently. I've driven from Houston to Austin twice to see Mark Kozelek, and he was such a dick both times. The first time, he picked out a woman he thought was hot sitting in the isle

Finn did a lot of undercover work when he was with Narcotics. Pretty sure he wasn't an actual gangster. Also, the show sometimes has an actor do a bit part and then brings them on as a different main character. They did that with the woman who plays Amanda.

I'm right there with you.

Because I like SVU or because it's unrealistic?

This is why I love SVU. Sometimes it's nice to enter a fantasy world in which rape kits are actually tested, detectives actually care about and believe the victims, and rapists are actually taken to court and sent to prison.

Sidenote: The Homesman looks like it's going to satisfy my need for more Western films about women. Can't wait to see it!

Now playing

Ya, I don't know how accurate that is. I saw an interview with the nurses who treated him on 60 Minutes that explained why he was "turned away". He came into the emergency room with a fever of 100.1. He told the nurses he had been to Liberia, but had no exposure to the disease. He claimed that his daughter had

Kids will seriously eat anything if it looks fun and tasty. When I was little, I got into the medicine cabinet and drank a whole bottle of Dimetapp because I liked the taste of it when mom gave it to me when I was sick. My mom later found me on the bathroom counter with Dimetapp all over my favorite leather cowgirl

I wonder what I did wrong? I had to have fucked it up somewhere along the way.

YES. I wanted to sit on that lap so many times.

Yesssss! I've tried so many bad Pinterest recipes. Runner up: vegan pasta using butternut squash sauce instead of cheese. It sounds tasty, but it was soul crushingly bad.

I read somewhere that people in Ireland LOVE him, so he's always playing shows there. That's my dream: go to Ireland and see Garth Brooks perform at some pagan Celtic ruin in a beautiful green field.

Ooh ramen + beer seems like the greatest idea. Can I just be another member of talks relationship? Haha

Your girlfriend sounds like the best cook. I want some of those ramen noodle creations!