
Good to know. I wasn't sure if you bleach it once and re-apply the red color every few weeks, or if you have to re-bleach and re-color every single touch up.

Thanks for the info! Poor girl, I'm sure it isn't fun having your natural hair totally fried. I used to dye my hair red for years, but never had to bleach it. I wonder why they had to re-bleach it every time. Any hairstylists know?

Girl's got a good head of hair too. Let it free, Ariana!

I know! She looks crazy young! Watching a girl who looks like a preteen writhe around in space makes me super uncomfortable. I wonder why her stylist doesn't switch it up sometimes. Is there a ponytail lobby out there that I don't know about? Maybe she's getting kickbacks?

Is she contractually obligated to always wear her hair in a ponytail? I've never seen a picture of her without one.

I agree. I've been commenting on this site, off and on, for about six years now. I never commented enough to get out of the grays, and I liked that people could actually see and star my comments on Kinja. Obviously, Kinja is a flawed commenting system, but I feel like they're just punishing people who aren't

Oh god, that woman! I've been harassed by women on public transportation too, but normally it's just because they're crazy and it's not sexually motivated. Once, the woman in the seat next to me just started screaming that I was a "witchcraft practicing whore". Lady, chill out! I just ignored her, and eventually she

Exactly! I have curly hair, so people comment on that frequently and I don't mind it. If you really feel that you can't go about your day without complimenting a woman, but don't want to be a creep, just tell her she has nice hair or cool style or something. Compliments like that are nice because you're

Ya, I'm not into friendly catcalling either. This happens to me sometimes when I take public transportation, and it's annoying and off-putting. Being a woman in a public space does not mean I'm looking for compliments or that you are entitled to tell me how you feel about my looks. Dude, I don't care that you think

a similar thing happened to my friend! A girl who isn't nice to my friend and really only knows her through other people was angry when her roommate got an invite and she didn't, and then confronted her about it at a bar. My friends reaction was "Well, you never really talk to me and I know you say not that nice

thanks for the advice! Does that fortress island and the open air museum count as outside the city? Also, you know I'm hitting up all the saunas.

Yikes! I guess I'll pack some sweaters just in case. Thanks!

Thanks for the tip! The internet says it's going to be in the 80s in Helsinki the whole time I'll be there. That's cold compared to summers in Texas!

They do! Perfect!

I'm flying from Houston to Finland tomorrow. Should I wear a mask on the plane? AM I GOING TO CATCH EBOLA ON MY VACATION?

I bought the audiobook of Gone Girl for a long road trip and I couldn't get more than two cd's in. The story seemed really interesting, but I just couldn't with the writing. Maybe it was hearing it read aloud by two weird voices. Should I give it a try in print?

I'm trying to push my way through Brideshead Revisted and it's HARD. The only thing that makes this novel somewhat enjoyable is that every line of dialogue can be read aloud in the snootiest British accent ever, and that's kind of fun to do sometimes. Has anyone else read it?

Tom Hardy's beautiful face is not featured enough in this.

I don't quite understand what you're saying. Are you saying I'm stupid for finding this image uncomfortable? Or are you saying others are stupid for trying find reasons why the show isn't a little bit racist? I'm just trying to understand.

I get that that's who shows up for the casting call, but I would imagine that the creators of the show would be smart enough to know that this particular image would make some viewers uncomfortable and would choose to leave it out of the final edit.