Exactly. I think although he is pretty charismatic, a big portion of his near success boiled down to “not Ted Cruz”.
Exactly. I think although he is pretty charismatic, a big portion of his near success boiled down to “not Ted Cruz”.
Lock him up.
They have the best mixers and potlucks.
Some men are also abused by men. And some women are abused by women. Not to make light of this as it is very serious, but just to point out that this issue cuts a wider swath than many people consider.
This was my (utterly horrified) take away from the Miami Herald piece re Epstein and Acosta.
I think that whole Fargo/midwestern blandness actually originates in Norwegian and other northern Euro culture, so even that would be gone. Just jello molds and processed cheese would be left.
They are terrified by the world and their impotence in it and grasping desperately at the one thing they think will protect them. Nevermind that they are more likely to have their firearm stolen or to injure themselves if anything necessitating a gun actually did go down. Or that by the time they realize they need it…
Yes, and here in Texas one of the more abhorrent judges that got voted out in Harris County just decided to release all defendants and not hear any of the work on his docket because he isn’t our judge any longer. Great work ethic and sense of civic duty there.
I’m actually kind of surprised he didn’t make hand parentheses to say ((globalists)). Must have been difficult for him to refrain.
My dad traveled a lot for work when I was a kid and would bring me a souvenir from wherever he went that usually consisted of pjs or a shirt from whatever local college team was in that town. Thus, roll tide pj bottoms. Which my friends promptly renamed my period drawers.
“Why did California turn Blue?
So he wants to turn the US-Mexico border into the Gaza strip. And his base is eating that shit up and then commenting on how delicious it is.
See also, the resulting Venn diagram when overlaying the Blue Lives Matter/I Stand crowd.
“lit” and a spinal tap reference (?????)
Insert any Stepford, they’re basically interchangeable.
That’s the joke.
Leave me out of this.
Thank you. I saw a posting from a “concerned citizen” on Next Door the other day complaining that they saw one of the garbagemen peeing over in the bushes while on run. To which my immediate thought was “where else are they supposed to go?” I will never understand how people forget that our bodies have needs.
“When police questioned Gaston a month later...”