
Same as a “Trans for Trump” couple of friends I had to get off my feeds.  I’m just...why?

“I don’t even think this makes sense”

He is unfamiliar with a lot of standing law and precedent.  Particularly with respect to insider trading and securities fraud, but on a wide range of topics in addition to that.  Kind of a jack-ass of all trades, master of none sort.

That’s what I don’t understand about this. He would have likely gotten a pass if he went the “I was young and stupid, I learned from my mistakes, and I apologize” route. Instead, he and his handlers chose the transparent lie route.

I think the first sentence, second para needs to be updated to read “1830".  Otherwise, this looks fascinating.

I for one find anemone sources to be unreliable also. Mostly because they don’t have vocal cords.

That’s the joke.

Why not both?

bubblegum pink tie”

“...who is serious about accountability and transparency.”

IIRC, and outside of the fact that this is just more slight of hand from GOP and this admin, isn’t the loss to farmers projected to be something like $16B for soybeans alone? In addition to the losses to farmers of hogs, corn, etc. and the damage from their previous customers moving on to other sourcing and telling

My local team, which I was already not exactly enamored with due to a combination of stupid naming and subpar management/staffing/coaching, has an owner who put the final nail in the coffin last year with his asinine commentary on the kneeling (rhymes with Blob SackShare).  I was considering switching to the Falcons,

The poor have better marbling though. You know, on account of the carb-laden cheap diets and lack of leisure time for SoulCycle, etc. and all.

I think you misspelled “Domino’s”

I’m guessing this was a bastardization of Mongol hordes (I assume to be intentionally so), but referring to non-Croats as “mongrels” really does not really support the whole “revisionist history painting them as fascists and Nazi-sympathizers” thing.

If his partner was Officer Lawry that would have made the irony more delicious. you could see the microboner cowering under that corpulent blob.

I had that issue with True Blood.

“‘She’s tired of taking on water for something she doesn’t believe in,’ a friend of Sanders told me.”

They can (and did) if nobody shows up. It’s not like nobody knew what this ragged lot was selling.