
I got excited and Jade Helmed all over your Deep State.

Wow, the tone of that letter...yeesh

Ulna! Now I don’t have time to beat around the radius of that joke.

Ugh...I really wish he would stop ruining Galaxy Quest for me.

I think that was actually included...but between him and the rest of these clowns its pretty obvious that the denouncements are for show while they hasten to destroy as much as they can.

Also, given the realities of the market and industry right now, adding to the supply only serves to make it weaker. As many jobs as the energy industry has already shed since the downturn started, this is practically guaranteed to make the existing situation even more dire. President Jobs McDeals can’t be expected to

“Vincent D’Onofrio in Men In Black,” Steve Bannon

I thought it was called “So Much Winning”

I find your word play...intriguing

In solid districts, there is no incentive to try to change this. The only challenge for a politician in a “safe” district is to avoid being primaried out by somebody further to the extreme, so there is no disincentive to running a batshit crazy, virulently racist, bigoted pedo who would love to install a de facto

The funny thing about boomers who are trying to revert to the halcyon days of their youth, outside of the overt racism and sexism inherent in that prospect, is that at that time unions were very strong and there was concerted effort to reduce (at least for some people) inequality through the GI bill and a pretty

Hopefully he holds out until after Pence is either removed from office in shame and as a punchline or suffocates under a pile of bibles and conversion therapy rubber straps in a freak accident while Mother is at the towel store and unable to call for or provide help, and THEN promptly strokes out. Although at this

It is significantly more expensive than most other proteins here.

Or provides solid evidence that LaVar Ball is, in fact, not the dumbest person on the planet.

“Sure, he is the GOP’s president, but does party loyalty rank higher than allowing Trump to stand down against Putin’s geopolitical aggression, which has only intensified over the past year?”


Question: Why is it that there is an inverse relationship between correct usage of punctuation, tense, spelling, and word choice and the amount of vitriol, bigotry, or straight-up ignorance in these things?

So...probably not a transgender woman? Just a hunch.

Well...~technically~ treating 14 year old girls as an appropriate target/receptacle for your penis IS “traditional values”. As long as you marry them. Or pay their father some livestock as recompense for damaging the value of his chattel and then possibly stone the girl to death.

Marco’s, FTW