
Meaning your response don’t have to be approved...or, not grey

Somewhat off point but...I would say I will be so happy when Patrick and Abbott just GTFO of office, but unfortunately it may be even worse as difficult as that is to picture. All these power grabs against the cities (on immigration policies, anti-fracking ordinances, HERO and the resulting bathroom nonsense, and

She’s serving some quality Stevie Nicks cosplay here, and I love it.


Also explains that ridiculous “handshake”

I thought it was that song...if not its a solid rip-off.

“In unrelated and entirely coincidental news, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will be meeting with men’s rights activists later today for a discussion about campus rape. I wonder what they’ll talk about.”

But with an entirely different set of cultural baggage, from my admittedly limited experience in dealing with 1st-gen Serbians. There is some major impetus to be macho and tough, especially when there is alcohol involved.

Came here for this.

A: All of the Trump Vodka.

Yes, I was watching this last night and I teared up. Then I decided I couldn’t figure out why I was crying. Was it the poignancy of the moment? The reminder that our present “leadership” is a sad, sad joke? Mourning for a lost time in America? All of the above?

Steve King: You forget that everybody using social programs is having out of wedlock babies at 15, and most likely “thugs”. And can all find livable wage jobs if they’d just stop being lazy and make better choices.

You mean take action that would actually improve your district instead of taking potshots at marginalized people? Weird.

Yep, cover by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. Karen O doing the vocal.

I think it fits well with the show and I love that its an arrangement of “Immigrant Song” that seems perfect for the main premise.

“The Senate Democrats have only confirmed 48 of 197 Presidential Nominees. They can’t win so all they do is slow things down & obstruct!”

True Blood had a pretty darned good theme song too, but def Game of Thrones FTW. Actually pretty fond of the American Gods theme, but that’s waaaaaay over on Starz.

I don’t know, Hitler might be a bridge too far. Pinochet, maybe (too soon)?

But eventually, our overuse of antibiotics and the thawing of permafrost releasing heretofore unencountered diseases should result in some population control, correct? It just seems we are on the brink of inadvertently remedying the situation ourselves.

Just a thought: She may have been required to wear gloves when handing out food. You know, like in most places where food is distributed.