
For a place in the regular and primary business of take-out, I don’t think anything is required but 5% or so is nice. For a regular restaurant that you order to go from, and then pick-up, 5-10% is a good idea because somebody (usually the bartender, sometimes another server or kitchen staff) has to take the time out

I think that is legitimate disgust.

He has, like, an amazing investment portfolio and balance sheet.

“The left and media call everything sexist and racist. Your side is the one shooting congressmen. No one is after actual speech.”

Please no.

Spoken like a true Deep State plant :)

So its like those fake magazine covers one would pay a few bucks to get you and your friends’ photograph inserted into at most major theme parks?Sounds about right.

Ugh. Paxton...who should actually be in jail...between him, Patrick, and Abott I don’t know which is the worst.

Funny thing is, when he was governor of Texas he got a big push for wind power and HPV vaccinations for kids underway and was, by today’s standards, pretty moderate. But that was largely prior to the rise of the Tea(bag) Party and TP-Adjacent in the GOP.

Except this district is not actually poor.

Abruptly dropping Salem, and now this, all in favor of more reality garbage. I guess the upside is I have no more reason to watch WGN now that its owned by Tribune.

It’s both. Two different restaurants on the same theme. Neither very good.

Also, where good steaks go to die. Therefore, appropriate.

On a related note, we’ve also got several pockets were the teen pregnancy rate (which is dropping dramatically nationwide) is roughly 5x the national average. So add in to this mix abstinence-only education, if any is provided at all, and laws that discourage minors from obtaining birth control/prophylactics. And

“Scot” seems like he would be fun at parties. Which I’m sure he totally gets invited to all the time. 

Funny, I live in Houston and I too know nobody who doesn’t think this bill is crap.

Sorry, one thing...destination “site”

Thank you, I was wondering about that as I read the story.

Creamed Atrocities

“We are better than that” sources indicate otherwise