
Also, you forgot the scare quotes around “degree in economics”.

“Flowers By Irene”

There are things I like about living in Texas and things I hate about living in Texas. This MF and his partner in fuckery Dan Patrick are near the top of the second list.

I thought he was the third. Harsh scrutiny needs to be applied, but I fear/am resigned to the fact that it probably won’t.

Noted Racist Denies Racist Slur Was Yelled, Regardless of His Lack of Attendance or Self-Awareness; News at Eleven

So Bastard Executioner was a dry run? Lort help us all.

What’s the over/under on how many times spit, boogers, fecal matter, and/or body hair up to and including pubes has been dipped into that open soda I wonder?

Wait...which ones are the Lizard People and which ones are Sacks of Demons?

It’s straight out of Breitfart. There are PLENTY of issues surrounding cartels and the rest of the illicit drug trade, but as long as there is a market, a(n estimated $50B annually) profit to be made, and this shortsighted and ill-advised approach to actually resolving the problems, all this will do is further

D, but mostly B

Seems like a waste of money to me

Should have stuck with (Pontius) Pilates.

Castor and Pollux: Also the criminal brothers in Face/Off

Cue Mariah Carey “I don’t know her” .gif

Heard the audio on NPR. There was also a reference to killing “kids, bay-bies...bay-bies” and then additional rambling. He has the best words.

I don’t know. I don’t think Trump has enough going on upstairs to be Voldemort. The malevolence is there, but the initiative, creativity, and personal accountability are sorely lacking. Perhaps Dolores Umbridge?

No need, those groups have already “embedded” themselves in many POUs and local forces. So its a moot point.

lol, good one!

Too much correct use of articles and verb tense.

That series is great.