

“He is welcome to play my asshole, brother.”

This isn’t switching creative teams so much as firing a creative team and starting over.

Poorly done sequels?

You said they were getting rid of their fleet in the title. 😘

So selling 100 or 300 , MAKE UP YOUR MIND, out of 35,000 that’s “selling their fleet” that is shameful trolling biased “reporting” ! Shame on you !

What’s with the kissy face emoji? The guy is pointing out a major editorial disconnect here between your writing and the headline. Like, this is a really big deal. I read the headline and just assumed that this major rental company was giving up on electric vehicles altogether, or at least on Tesla, based on what it

Your headline says “Hertz Is Selling Its Fleet Of Rental Tesla Model 3s For Cheap”. You specify “more than 100" for under 25,000 and their web site shows 356 total Teslas for sale.   This is not “selling it’s fleet”.  

A bit over 100 of the 100,000 they were reported as buying is not "selling their fleet".

Ugh. This is a spectacularly shitty take.

That’s because at least at the Globes, his jokes were punching up, if nothing else.

You’re a dumb little child.


Why can’t he just quietly defraud the children of Mississippi like a normal quarterback?

Nah, he wasn’t suggesting that to anyone, what he was suggesting is that they all stop watching Disney+ and start having more babies. Cause the world is so underpopulated, gotta keep popping those babies out.

Just picked up Tucker Carlson’s latest, “The Bill of Rights Is For Gay Losers.”

(A recent leak suggests that a [REDACTED] MCU villain will show up to challenge Deadpool and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in the film. You can google if you’re curious; we don’t want to provoke the wrath of Ryan Reynolds here.)

The real, real crime is that he’s standing next to a Chevy. Or buying a Ford?

Are you saying the orcas were taking the piss?

You mean this thing?: