  1. dress up like an A1 driver

Musk: I will threaten and abuse all my customers.

Musk fans: This man is a genius.

This thing is certainly a PoS, but may not be the worst investment ever.. Look at the Delorean. I’m half joking of course, but I bet money that this thing will be built in such few numbers that in 40 years it will actually be worth something as a curiosity.

Poop Emoji

Kathy Griffin

This proves his point though.

No Citroen DS? Pfft, stupid list

lol, nobody cares about this non-event

Are we still pretending prime day is a thing? No other retail giant gets this level of press for running a sale. Stop it.

I don’t know how this isn’t a Title IX violation. Does this hospital receive any federal funding?

Kewl story bro, but totally wrong.

“Tears on the jorts and New Balances”

Boomer car go Boom.

My condolences to the owner for having to wait another two years before they can have a replacement to immediately flip.

I don’t think I did? Since I don’t disagree with that statement? Nor did I write anything contradicting it?

Read again. Ross — quoted in the articlebought a new 2021 Rogue two years ago.

I never understand this line of reasoning when it comes to Taco Bell. Never once have I wanted Mexican food and considered Taco Bell an option, and never once have I wanted Nachos Bell Grande and tried to get something similar from an actual Mexican place. They’re two different things and scratch two different itches.

Did they throw the drink because she was lip synching? It’s still not ok but it was funny how the rap kept going after she threw the mic.

I propose that we start using “Elon” as a slur.

I don’t know where you’re hanging out and seeing this, but I only see cis being used as descriptor in the same sense as trans without any negative connotation. The only negativity I see at times is when someone is frustrated with someone or the group of people that the word describes, but that would apply to any