
Welp, I guess I’m pulling an all nighter tonight. And tomorrow. And for the rest of my life, because I don’t need sleep anymore.

Rats always squeak the loudest when let ‘em squeak. 

He’s a troll and not interested in discourse. Just dismiss him or ignore him.

In a twisted way, you should be encouraged. Because now that they’re being more loud about it, and angrier, that means we’re no longer in the box they wanted us to be kept in. And they ain’t happy about sharing the all.

The issue is, 8 people were removed from the flight for smelling bad and 8 of the 8 were african american. The odds seem low that 8 passengers who just happened to be african american also just happened to be the only people who had an offensive smell on this flight.

The $399 MIAD 01

He could buy a Hummer EV...

Of course. An even bigger asshole with two Cybertrucks.

Put down the truck too, it has a taste for human flesh.

That’s a nasty truck bite. Only one option now - he must be hunted and put down before he turns.

Who am I supposed to feel for in this situation?
Cheaters getting scammed?
Family members of Cheaters getting scammed?
Scammers who aren’t getting paid?

While I don’t *need* both of my kidneys, I sure do like having a built in spare.

WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO ANTI-CYBERTRUCK? It’s not a recall, Tesla doesn’t have recalls! It’s just an OTA softwre upda.....oh; oh dear.

270 kWh to run an entire house for a month? I must be doing something wrong, my lowest electric usage month of the past 12 was Feb of this year at 407 kWh. My highest was 1,795 kWh.

I’m at a point where I don’t think we should be fighting to keep idiots alive any more.

Elon Musk predictions in 2018: “I’m going to put a man on Mars in 5 years!”

Musk has made plenty of anti-Semitic remarks.... an oven now make sense.  

I can’t wait for the Elmo Cult to come tell me how this deathtrap glitch is actually a brilliant feature of the definitely-very-well-designed religious relics they spent so much money on.

A comment so dark a cop just unholstered his weapon upon reading it.

We can add Kei trucks to the growing list of things that have more rights than women in Texas.