
Woah, woah, let’s not go too far. Keep the panties!

Don’t you need your phone? Even if you’re the kind of jerk who thinks wanging someone in the head is funny; is it funny enough to chuck your device so you probably won’t get it back? Did dude bring a spare “throwin’ phone” just in case this particular comedic opportunity presented itself?

No they say “sauce”

Prices will increase until spending improves.

I have a message tonight for Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith, and Joe Biden.


Yep. I’ll watch this on D+, thanks.

*me when someone turns on Crystal Skull*

At this point, it's the years AND the mileage for Indy

I am so confused; a singer is well within their rights to halt a show and call for unruly audience members to be tossed. Even the apology indicates their behavior was poor. She’s overthinking this. 

reading things like this makes me glad we are making this planet uninhabitable for humanity. We’ve just fucked up everything.

Is that Tucker’s new channel?

This is probably driven by the same crowd that calls people snowflakes. 

I’ll see if I can get that on film!

Even little kids could tell something was fishy about the Ewoks assaulting the Empire.   It just broke the suspension of disbelief that is so necessary for these films to work. 

My grandmother and her cane could defeat a Storm Trooper (maybe not the walking death machines...)... Ewoks with sticks and rocks would have had it much much easier.

Remember when right wingers complained that Cancel Culture was bad? Now they’re not just boycotting, they’re threatening people.

Same for people who shop at Gamestop lol.

Tim Cook understood Musk is just like Trump, a fragile narcissistic man child that is easy to manipulate by stroking their ego.