
The right likes to call Soros a communist. For a communist, he sure is good at capitalism.

It’s goanna make me sound like an old fuddy duddy

Jesus Christ, just stop using Twitter! Nobody should be using it now. Just stop.

Without the gun, the situation is benign. Guns keep NOBODY safe, except perhaps in the jungle or on the battlefield. Citizens of a CIVILIZED country have no need for deadly weapons in their home. Guns are for cowards and bullies, not “protection”. Also, over half of the handgun fatalities in this country every year

Hey! If you didn’t want to take the risk of getting shot at, why did you take a job as a first grade teacher?”

Wait 12 months and get it fully patched for less than half the price.

I dunno. As someone not in that community, it is interesting how they seem ostracize someone who is no longer being ostracized by women (i guess). Its like a group of blind people kicking someone out who suddenly started regaining their vision.

figured the “/s” went without saying

Maybe it’s a metric conversion thing. Or the bottle is smaller. What would the ABV be in Rhode Island? Let’s standardize this.

No blue checkmark?  Pffft...

Hopefully it will be fine, until the premium card packs start being sold. 

I mean, if the sheet fits...

“Don’t call me racist”, says racist.

Cue conservative rage in 3..2..1..

“Waaa! You’re not making me money! You’re all Communists! Waaa!
- Corporate America

“I want to part with the card now after so much time, one, because I think the anticipation has really been killing some really avid collectors,” he told Cimo. “I’m not getting any younger, I want to start a family, I want to own and operate my own business and also help my community as well as travel and see my

I didn’t say it was illegal, or that the sisters have a case against the company.  I just said it’s bullshit.

Yeah, I mean, unless someone can prove that they had foreknowledge of this and did nothing, this is entirely fucked up.

Lighten up, Francis

MeN aRe ScAreD wOmEn wIlL LaUgH aT tHeM. WoMeN aRe ScArEd MeN WilL MurDeR tHeM.