
Knowing Elon, he himself leaked the code and will find a couple scapegoats to cast blaim on.

Sorry... is that “super star women” as in:

^ stupid, bitter ass misogynist commenter strikes again

That’s nice, dear. Did you look for a job today?

Is this a thing now, where some idiot kicks off a thread at the top of a bunch of gizmodo articles with some sort of “anti-woke” stuff? Seems like a lot over the last week or so.

How was this incel let out of the Gray?

ah poor baby, did the fictional ladies give you a booboo?

hey quick question: what the fuck are you talking about

No, I don’t actually think you would have received that much feedback demanding the inclusion of Cyberpunk. I think it was a fun cheap bullshit dig of the kind that Kotaku has been accused of indulging too much recently. How much blood do you want to squeeze out of that particular stone? Between this and the AV Club

But the flub was a marker of the more daring, history-making moment that the special was marketed as.

An article about correcting mistakes on a site that rarely corrects its own mistakes. I’m going back to bed.

“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.”

Stupid Man Agrees With Other Stupid Man

Fine, go watch Superman II again.


Man, what a fucken baby.

Endlessly funny that the world’s most sensitive narcissist bought a $44 billion dollar criticism machine.

Came back to see if you’d done the stand-up thing and taken responsibility for your error instead of just sweeping it under the rug like a child. Nope. You told your readers to “prepare to be shocked.”

I kinda feel the same way? Goofy as hell to say, but my God there so much more to be mad about than this. On a ten scale it isn’t even a two. In a world where MTG exists and says words, this is nothing.

There was a stealth edit as the article removed the line about him owning slaves.  No mea culpa, just the stealth edit.