
I love Cleveland❤️

Meh, you what they say: even a broken Tik is right twice a Tok.

Who honestly wants these?

I live so far away from the ocean, I don’t eat octopus here bc it almost always sucks.  If this product is anythjing close to the real thing, I would love to eat it.

Q: Why remake a movie that’s already perfect?

I feel left out!  I’m over 40 and also deeply unhappy, at work at least.  Then again, I’m a teacher and therefore asking for it.

I heard this as “Look, quit pretending you’re not poor.”

Hm, needs more carbs.

I need to get into the car finance business.

7. take some of the sting out of having minuscule genitalia

Built For Any Planet**

I drive a corolla that regularly handles puddles.  I mean, it does have the sport package, so maybe it’s not an apples to apples comparison?

This would have been so rad if it worked.  Oh well, plenty of other games worth playing.

I love my corolla hatchback.  Fun to drive, carries more than you’d think, and small enough to park anywhere downtown.

Doesn’t change that Tesla’s original tug o war claim was a bald-faced lie.

And his wife

If I’m eating at a subway, I’m at a low point.  A remodel has zero chance of distracting me from this.

I have fart going all the way in the office pool, but in my college friends pool I gave it to flashlight.

Headline says cops were called, which isn’t even mentioned in the article.

Is the CEO an employee?