

A relatively measured and thoughtful response from EM.

Please let’s fire all spinoffs, along with sequels, prequels, and remakes into the sun.  The world will be a better place.

That’s a bit premature.


Great now let’s ask mcdonald’s for their take on the whopper.  

“Our product is superior to our competitor’s” (dubious evidence)

This is going to be tough to enforce. If you ask someone to show you their genitals, what’s your PC? “She looked like a dude” won’t cut it if any civil rights attourney gets involved. Also, if the trans person is post-op, how will the cop distinguish bathing suit parts someone was born with from post-market versions?

It’s not “Madness,” it’s just buy low and sell high.  Nothing new.  Don’t like it? Don’t take the deal. 

Getting through something this sweet can easily turn into a slog, even after eating just a quarter of it.

People keep feeding the troll.

+1 for corolla hatchback. Reliable, functional, and you can park that thing anywhere.

It’s like you don’t even read comments before replying.

Yeah, I guess there’s hope.

Nope, I’m saying the sequels sucked out loud due to a lack of continuity. Sorry if that wasn’t clear, I’ll try to talk slower.

Another BS headline from gawker (or whatever).

Richard Simmons doesn’t need it.

“we all need this biopic now more than ever.”

Switching creative teams midstream, should go well.  The star wars sequels were so rad.

I drive a corolla hatchback, and it will, in fact, fit a stroller.