
This would warm my heart.

How many versions of the same movie can they sell? They will do that many plus a couple more.

Weird, the GOP has been telling me for years that the wealthy are virtuous and benevolent.

If you believe this, I got a bridge to sell you. They’re not going to leave money on the table. It’ll come out next Christmas, cost a fortune, and involve holograms somehow in the packaging.

“I will not be silenced or canceled”

People looking really hard for reasons to be upset these days. I mean yeah, I’ve always held a grudge against Ewoks in ROTJ, but come on. That was *egregious*. This is just part of the story.

Pretty sure they’re going to call that “America Red”

They got you to click on it didn’t they.

Wash me in your judgement 

You protest, and yet... here you are.

Help me someone I’m drowning in all this free speech.

This needs way more stars, nice work.

If that’s what you really want, then stop clicking on it when they do.

MTG has no power to create or destroy boners in this house.  She’s just silly.

You can trust hollywood to keep going to any well way past the point of being dry.

In the storied tradition of overcomplicating the incredibly simple act of smoking weed.

I love all this freedom of speech we’re getting now!

So, following the pattern of recent days, we can expect AJ back on twitter pretty soon.

Have you met humans?

You’re gonna have to provide evidence of that.”