
Funny, I came to watch condescending assholes.  Thanks for not disappointing!

Yep, especially after I watched the last GOT season.  

After seeing what they did with the final season, hard pass.

Oh the humanity.

Thanks for this interesting and innovative way to hack my life.

Agreed.  As it stands, it’s just... the pillow guy.

Nope, that’s not how the response went at all.  Come on, looke, be better.

It’s not a slur.  It’s just a word that happened to offend someone.  And your condescending tone is exactly what I hate about this kind of shit.  

Yeah, I get it’s a happy ending, but yes, can do without the “do better.” So snotty and superior, that I can do without.

Using the word spaz in a song is not at all the same as robbing someone on the street.

I guess I’m not paying close enough attention to all the selective nitpicking that goes on.

I mean, I guess it’s nice she changed it. Or whatever.

Feel free to elaborate

If the next kardashian story has zero clicks or comments, *then* it’ll stop.  However, here we are.

Canada is currently located in north america.

Looked like a normal protest”

Hmmmm, lots to choose from.  I’ll pick gay people.  What’s wrong with gay people?  

I did not remotely sympathize with Joker in that movie, and I loved it and thought it was solid entertainment.  Not everything has to be an essay for high school english.

So they only make sequels of films that are universally beloved?  Please give some examples of these films.

Counterpoint: BK tastes good and is super cheap and widely available.