
“in your face gay bs”

So you’re okay with some performers being attacked on stage, but not others.  Cool cool cool.

Seriously.  If outrage reaches something this innocuous, we’re just doomed.

Yeah it misses the mark, but it’s not a hate crime.  Chill out.

How nice for us, the viewers.

Not if you don’t play it in the first place.

Regulation? Hm. How about just don’t buy games that do shit you don’t like.  I’m passing on this one, and guess what there’s about a billion other games I can choose from.

“...leaving affected players without many options.”

Is this a problem?  People not knowing how to pack???

Reading the newspaper, I think I’m ready for the robot apocalypse and my place in a pod of goop.  It’s probably better than we deserve as a species.


If only Texas had less restrictive gun laws, this could have been prevented.

From the republican perspective, this is the *real* problem with these shootings happening so frequently.

imagine the outcry if he switched to fat shaming people


Yeah but the folks objecting got their panties on maximum twist no matter the size of the infraction. You have a guy on this very thread equating chapelle to nazis.  Making every insult into some kind of national emergency kindof takes the steam out of things that actually are.

Wow how many genocides chapelle done so far?

Someone tell me what the appropriate punishment is for him. Unemployment? Public stoning?  I mean, what’s the goal of all this outrage?

aaaaaaaaand now people who we find offensive are nazis.  You are the problem here.

welp you’re wrong