
I’ve been a lifelong liberal and I am so fucking sick and tired of liberals these days. Jesus fucking christ it’s a comedy show you humorless douchebags. Was this part of what drove so many people to Trump, this expectation of 100% purity from everyone?

If we’re going to have stories featuring what TC doesn’t know about women, we’re going to need a whole new blog.

I like loud motorcycles.  Driving, they’re hard enough to see, I appreciate being able to hear them.

That mean House of Guitars in these parts, though that’s not a publicly traded company

Being used on the senate floor to show how democrats are ruining america in 3... 2...

“Hey guys, check out this tweet, I’m so edgy and non-PC!”

I’m smoking weed behind a wendys rite now

That is a fact, and we are in a post-fact world.  He’ll be eligible.

been wonderin what the fuss is about

Where do you live that no one can even wrap a burrito jfc

You could also solve this problem by learning to make a burrito right. It’s not that hard, when I worked at panchero’s we weren’t exactly a crew of jeopardy champions.

On the other hand, this is not a big deal in the first place.

So this... bothered you deeply?  A sick joke at a halloween party?  Tasteless even, sure.  But who cares enough to want a public apology?  

Yeah it’s a sick joke... at a halloween party.  Does not ruffle my feathers.

Were people genuinely upset about this? It’s a cake at a halloween party, perfect place for a morbid joke. I mean, are we this sensitive?

“Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.”

So if it’s your favorite place, it’s the best place?  The rides are way better at universal, with a much better customer experience beginning to end.

What’s the political ideology being pedaled in COD?

Maybe the low salary is a way to ensure they’ll only get quality* applicants.

I thought this was standard practice for the industry.  I have walked out on several negotiations that went this way.