
Pretty sure there are other problems too.

Seems like sinking it would release fuel, oil, I don’t know, boat juice?  Is there a way to give it back to the sea that’s minimally pollutive?

Was gonna say something... I got nothing.

Exactly. If all I have to do is go on the ipad for a sec and then watch it on my TV, I don’t really give a shit. But if I can’t watch anything I purchased on a google TV, then fuck that I’ll stick with roku.

Welp, if other streaming services followed suit, that would affect my decision when buying a new TV.

What about the variants, the spicy and the anti-social?

I can field this one: it’s high in sodium, like most fast food.

Um, the set I bought years ago already allows all three versions.

Yep, working on hard on all the things no one asked for or needs.

I would sooner buy a used car from Donald Trump than believe this tool on his alleged release dates.

Yep, releasing a book no one asked for or needs.

I don’t want to visit *any* hall of fame that doesn’t include Dolly Parton.


By all means let’s make a whole federal case out of it.

How many people have these things actually killed?  Do they even *deserve* that name anymore?

Hell hath no fury like a micropenis man getting shown up while he’s trying to look tuff.

Until he actually writes the fucking books, I will assume this is true.

Same.  Though I’m a little disgusted by the way he’s shitting on what fans he has left.

Especially when he comes out with statements like this, just a middle finger to his loyal fans. Which I used to be.

“They all matter to me.”