
“I gotta get these kids to soccer practice NOWWWWW!!!!!”

Right, the same way South Park “recognized” Tom Cruise.  But at least that was funny.  This was just... what was the point?

It’s a weirdly dick move by Netflix. If they needed a female chess player to be a chump, why not invent a fictional one? What was the point of using a real name?

You’re commenting on an article you didn’t even read?  Wow kewl.

You don’t get spotify in Canada?

Not enough stars here

10/10 the only pokeman game I would ever play.

This needs all the stars

Are they going to abide by Activision’s “Girls are Yucky” stipulation?

It’s a mandatory sentence to the Department of Corrections. This happened when this teenager”

He didn’t say JL was the worst movie he ever made, he... ah nevermind.

“Excuse me Coach Meyer, is this rule for white players too?”

Schadenfreude: It will cost the original dealership far more than the cost of the car in *bad* PR.  I hope.

“trendy douche”

Not sure why everyone’s dumping on this guy.  He makes a better living boxing than 99% of the people who do it, good for him.

How did they stagg it?

I was a fan, but I’m not reading any more if he publishes them or not. Not because I’m bitter, but because there’s no way in hell I’ll remember all those plot lines. Is that “ignorant?” Maybe, but I’ve read an awful lot of books between then and now, I’d have to start from the beginning.

Yeah reading is hard.

You are not making a big enough deal about this.  Please escalate.

Why is it irrational for her to be angry, or to express her anger publicly?