
This needs way more stars.

They didn’t know for sure the person was dead, they thought it might be a rescue.  I see you pride yourself on not giving a shit, but the fact remains that some of us do.

“...taxpayer money blah blah blah...”

old enough to smoke/drink in most countries”


How much did they pay for Rogan’s podcast?

Glad I wasn’t the only one!

So cool someone should manufacture replicas.  I’d go as high as $99 for one if it’s well made.

More convenient?  Maybe, but cooler?  Nah.

weird flex

I upgrade relatively infrequently, 2-3 years, and my last phone didn’t even come with a charger, so no. I don’t have any of these, and I’m about due to upgrade.  

Hard pass.

That first one, that’s a good idea. I mean you can technically do that, but while driving you don’t wanna click through menus to find it.

Also, I can still say “Hey Spotify,” and verbally tell it what to play.  Gets it right about 80% of the time, but hey, hands free at least.

Saw a band over the weekend, Dying Fetus. Most folks haven’t heard of them, but I bet if they publicly apologized for their name they’d get some free press for it too.


It’s been done.

Def Leppard: no carnivorous felines, and all of them can hear

I get that representation is important, especially in this situation, but...”