
Scene- My bedroom, 2 AM, after a bottle and a half of wine.
Players (In a theatre sense, not like, a gross way to say ‘lovers’ or whatever)- My husband and also my me.

We were young, early 20’s, shitty on wine, having laugh sex, where we sort of clumsily bounced around the bedroom, laughing and not totally putting all

I love her so very much. She’s always been my fave Spice Girl.


If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.

rixton is made up

Only one time did I have someone sit through an entire movie and then ask for their money back. It was the Scooby Doo movie sequel. The fucking sequel. This woman comes in, goes to the box office, and asks “How is the Scooby Doo sequel?” Not a single solitary one of us had actually watched it, in spite of it being

I’m vegan. So is my fiancé. It’s not a problem eating out. These people are doing something seriously wrong. Also, if they were actually vegan, they wouldn’t look as described, nor would they have ordered ice cream and cheesecake at the end.

Thank you. With a lot of therapy (and drinks) I am slowly working through it.

Your Honor, motion to reconsider! Kind of just leaving it there that Malala got an A+ in Religious Studies is solid shade.

this is my greatest fear, tbh.

did she wake up and realize she was married to brian austen green

Am I the only human that doesn’t understand everyone’s boner for arch support?

Just imagine all the podiatrist waiting rooms you’ll see!

Oh. My. God.

Almost got me here.

I didn’t have any food cravings during my pregnancy. Is that weird?

So like. Is this a good opportunity to show pics of my little brother? Yes. Yes it is.

So it was a Green tea frap that involved a really stupid process involving when to scoop matcha/blend/add milk (I don’t remember exactly what the hell the specifics are because she only showed up the one time, we were in a rush, I was new, and as I was taking the order I just dropped the card in the damn cup and let