
Well obviously he meant besides all the rape.

Y’know, I totally agree with the reasoning behind everyone pulling it, but I do think it’s a shame that the Cosby Show is basically never gonna be seen again outside of some DVD collections. It was legitimately funny.

Because all most content providers know about Tommyknockers is King hates it and it’s got a bad rep. Lazy journalism.

‘this articles title is fucking moronic’ - AV Club.

I’m sorry I lied. I cotinued reading some B99 reviews. I’m part of the problem. Someone help me.

I kinda like Lawnmower Man for its cheesy datedness. Anyway, I don’t think it should be considered a King movie considering he successfully sued to get his name taken off it.

I liked the book, but then again I read it when I was about 10. I remember when the hatch was first uncovered on LOST by someone tripping over it, it reminded me of the similar way the buried spaceship was discovered in this.

Not regardless youre trying to cast doubt on what she aacomplished today. Curious did you ask this about the miracle on the Hudson? Obviously not or youd already have your answer so I wonder what is different about those two pulots that makes you doubt her?

Isn’t the whole point of the FOIA that you’re not allowed to decline the request (except in cases of national security)?

With a cactus.

Fuck that guy

So what you’re saying is that there’s a chance that I’m pretty but I don’t know it and that I’m not just completely hideous?

It also works well as Music For Calming The Fuck Down After Doing Too Much Drugs.

Here comes Old Sourpuss...

Funny. Every word of what you just said is wrong.

This show has everything: Chadwick Boseman, John Mulaney, disappointment thrones.

I’ve seen the Night Manager- and honestly couldn’t remember he was in it! (But all the focus in that pretty much goes to Hiddleston, Laurie and Colman.)

doesn’t sound American to me! when the president takes some responsibility, I’ll think about it.

I was deleting Facebook before it was cool. Now I’m going to have to go back.