
I’d say that too if my shit got hacked.

I just assume Chinese food is barely safe when it’s fresh.

Does anybody remember that Spotify was started with pirated music?

Being killed by your clout chasing drone seems appropriate. What you couldn’t achieve in life, you can achieve in death.

You can buy things like this from for less than $20.

I never imagined that there’s a $900 trash can that you can optionally subscribe to.

Since when do business put the public good above profits and productivity?

A poor record for safety kind of speaks for itself, so this is all on SpaceX.

This is Gizmodo. You’re always welcome to hate on Elon here.

It should still be there. The shell was constructed form titanium. The temperature on Venus was observed to be about 870 degrees F, and the melting point of titanium is over 3,000 degrees F. Probably no paint, though.

Tardigrades can also withstand 1,000 times as much radiation that would kill a human and most other animals.

How dare you speak positively of a Elon-based organization. SpaceX is different from his other ventures.

Investment pump and dump.

I can’t imagine anything more soul crushing than an immersive spreadsheet experience.

Don’t worry, darling.

Not like that. Not like that!

A territorial combine. Interesting.

Are you sure your immune system is fighting microplastics?

Failing upwards, or at least forward, is the lifeblood of the executive career.

If you look him up, David Wenig looks like a guy that would be this petty and vindictive.