
This really could have been explained a lot better. I’m not sure if it’s due to the article author, or due to the description from TCL.

I still can’t believe they deleted Willow so soon. I get not wanting to pay royalties, but damn.

So, like a dealer markup on a Kia Telluride?

With a starting price of $340k, I’m going to say the probability is high.

I definitely agree with all of your comments. It made food unappealing for me as well. It made me feel as if I could eat, or not eat and I was fine either way.

The doses are graduated to decrease the side effects. Like the first dose is 0.25mg, then goes 0.5mg, then 1mg, then 1.7mg, then the final and maintenance dose is 2.4mg. I misspoke when I said I was on 2.7 earlier. I’m on the 2.4mg dose.

I still take the 2.7 dose about once every 3 weeks or so, and maintain my weight. I’m still at 180, which for me is an appropriate weight. I still have the effects of reduced appetite and feeling full longer.

It just happens on it’s own. You fill full after just small portions, so you kind of have to adjust what you put on your plate or you’ll waste a lot. You also feel full for a long time.

Now I take the 2.7 dose about once every 3 weeks or so, mostly because I think I’m paranoid about gaining it back. If I don’t take it, I don’t have any wild food cravings, and I don’t overeat.

I took Wegovy, and I can attest to its effectiveness. I lost 40% of my body weight, or 129 lbs. It happened at an astonishing, and potentially unhealthy rate (8 months). That’s about 16lbs a month, or about twice the max normal rate. The only activity I did was swimming, which definitely helped.

Thank you for saying this. I just had robot assisted hip surgery. I’m not sure it used this specific device, but it was much less invasive than the old way of doing it.

Am I to understand that you download and run this AI locally?

What info can expound on about jewish space lasers?

But, did you drink soy, and therefore become susceptible to their worst insult?

If it doesn’t blame jewish space lasers for something, I don’t want it.

How is it working for you? I have been considering it.

Not the OP, but here’s a study regarding neuroplasticity and ketamine.

Android can also suffer from overnight restarts, though usually from third party apps. Which is a problem that Apple doesn’t have, at least.

I have a dreadful fear of burning to death in a fire, so no earplugs for me.

Got a link to the story? I’d like to read about that miracle of flight.