
This power shortage is clearly caused by transgender electrons and voltage grooming.

Be sure to drink water, but don’t chug tons of it before you go on a ride. You don’t want it sloshing around in your guts while you’re tossed through the air.

Apple isn’t alone in this choice to go to USB-C only. Dell XPS laptops only have USB-C, for example. It’s just the way the world is going.

I see this as being more useful for portable power than as an emergency power device. Like, it ran your fridge for 34 hours, after which it’s done. For $2500 you can by a 9.5kw inverter generator from harbor freight that will run your fridge and a whole lot more (small airconditioner, small appliances, charge your

I wonder if there would be less opposition from some people to reparations if rather than just giving everyone alive now $350,000, they were setup to be an annuity to start for the next generation. I think there’s a mental block for some people with the idea of giving money like that, something they can’t get, to

Jerry Falwell’s immoral majority.

It tastes like Grimace jizz.

Reddit is digg-ing its own grave.

I seem to remember that too. I also don’t understand how it can take that long to make a CGI movie. 2031 for Avatar 5 is 22 years after the first one was released. Who the fuck will even care by then?

I don’t know anything about this German church, but American churches are already worshiping false idols so AI won’t really damn them anymore than they already are.

That Dodge Durango interior is like the automotive equivalent of Brutalist architecture.

Yeah, that’s how it’s supposed to work. That absolutely doesn’t stop shady websites from setting up shop with fake verification schemes to collect information from users for blackmail and identity theft. Dumb horny kids are absolutely going to take pictures of their parents IDs and upload them to these shady sites and

What have I been misinformation have I been fed about Russia and China?

Did I say something that was untrue? We can debate about whether NATO is necessary or not, but if this party or Dr. West thinks it’s not they need to own those views and explain how that serves world security with actors like Russia and China on the scene.

The People’s Party has some weird pro-Russia views. Their website has pictures of a protest with some posters that would make Putin proud, and up until a month or two ago had a page on their website about ending NATO spouting some Russian propaganda about the nature of the Ukraine conflict. I think Dr. West has some

The People’s Party has ballot access in Virginia and Florida.

If the the Game Porting Tool translation layer is able to run DirectX 12 games with anything approaching acceptable performance, Apple silicon architecture is miles beyond anything in the x86/x64 world.

This seems more like something a C-suite exec sees online, thinks “man that is a great idea, I’d use that all the time for pitches”, buys, and then never uses because he has people for that.

The Venn diagram is a circle.

Not that I’m dismissing the importance of using green development strategies for AI research, but at least these cycles are spent on something useful. Meanwhile, you have something like all the computing time and energy spent on calculating block chain for cryptocurrency scams.