
Let me guess. This campaign ad takes you to a page to donate to the PAC that bought the ads. I imagine that, like everything in the Trump-o-sphere, this is a grift.

Wholeheartedly agree. Some people are so desperate to have some facet of themselves that makes them different, special, and apart from everyone else that they’ll ascribe to themselves any number of niche elements, real or imagined. It’s the same phenomenon you see on fakedisordercringe on reddit.

I’m not sure we can say that all humans are sentient.

I’m not aware of any other kind of union that protects you from murder charges. Police unions are not like other unions, and they need to be addressed for the public harm they create.

In the south there’s a lot of marginal land that’s not suitable for other crops and plenty of water in most cases. It could be grown there. There’d probably be massive deforestation though if it took off.

That’s a good idea. I think we should replace Sir Ian McKellen voice with James Cordon, and Frodo’s with Rebel Wilson. It’d give the whole show a different color.

This is a good point. Voice acting in commercials is pretty much dead at this point. The cheerful woman hawking your pharmaceuticals is going to be a computer very soon, where they can dial up the speed on the side effects section.

This part stuck out to me. Whose helicopter?  And why would it matter? Were they worried about someone potentially stealing the rhino’s ivory?

Rabbits is exactly what this made me think of as well.

 I like the fucking this implies for Devin Nunes.

I can’t help but notice that the history of font regulations at the state department mirrors the default fonts of Microsoft Word.

Sound like we just need thousands of leaf blowers to blow the Sahara into the atmosphere to reduce global warming.

I hope one day we launch a probe to one of these “nearby” exoplanets. The results won’t be delivered in the lifetime of those who worked on the probe, but we can get there. An RTG for a satellite could be designed to last for the hundred years it takes our technology to get there, and assuming we don’t kill ourselves

The problem with all these climate change and health initiatives we see, like banning gas stoves, are just nibbling around the edges of real problems. Like on the climate change front, keep the gas stoves and impose a high tax on private jets and their fuel or force cargo ship companies to put scrubbers on their

Allegedly, the building at the center of the park in the interior of the Pentagon was targeted by the Russians with two nuclear missiles, with the idea being it must be something very important. The actual purpose of that building: hot dog stand.

For anyone that wants one of these now, they’re available on ebay.

Coming soon: HitlerVision

When I think about banning gas, I think about about my water heater. Electric tankless water heaters have their advantages, but gas tankless water heaters can deliver more hot water, faster. Period.

The US produces 34 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. It imports about 2.8 trillion. We exported 6.7 trillion cubic feet, so only about 10% of our natural gas usage is from imports. I just wanted to clear that up since your post makes it sound like we are using massive amounts of imported gas.

Starlink requires a pretty large phased array receiver/transmitter to track the transiting satellite it’s currently connected to and switch to the next one. I’m not sure it could be scaled down to work on a phone unless it had some kind of fold out panel.