
Ground coupled heat pumps are PLAGUED with corrosion issues and are very expensive to install. If you live in the south and have a newer home, there’s a good chance you actually have an air-coupled heat pump that will be quite efficient except at the extremes ends of the temp range for your area. Ours were not doing

Considering people can harbor this bacteria for a while before they develop symptoms (if they ever do) it could be person-to-person transmission. Detailed tracing for all the affected people might reveal a common source.

Well, Aunt Mae was devoured by something, but it certainly wasn’t that alien hoax those pedophile democrats have been talking about!

Obviously we don’t have all the details of this movie, but if you possessed time travel technology why wouldn’t you just go to the moment when the aliens arrived and kill them there, or go back a few years before and warn governments to prepare.

The problem I have with this idea is that our power grid is not designed for this kind of back-feed behavior from small sources on mass scales. I mean, yeah it can be done, but it’s going to take time and money to make it an option. Every house connected to the grid has a step down transformer to get to 110/220 volts.

The problem with this idea is that everything is on peak all the time. You can’t run anything at 100% constantly without expecting failures.

I wonder what this grid would look like if you took profit out of the equation. Leaving utilities to private monopolies was, on the whole, a dumb idea.

Why should these people get pensions when everyone else gets 401ks. Enroll these people in a 401k and stop giving people that retire early to get out of trouble a full ride through retirement. 

I don’t think it’s fair to characterize her quote as saying that Amazon’s business practices should be outlawed, but that the framework of antitrust laws should be updated for the modern era, including Amazon. That doesn’t mean outlawing what they do now, but rather just making sure that what they are doing doesn’t

This is one of the reasons why I’m not sure we can swing an electric vehicle future right now. Just like in February taxed the power grid to the max from the Midwest to South Texas, extreme heat is doing the same in the North East and North West. Our power grid can’t support our existing surge demand, and adding an

Thank you for not making this an infernal slide show.

Oh, the oracle that is SyFy has already been there and done that, 11 years ago.

It’s not even just those who died that are not participating in the workforce either. Covid also left a lot of people with debilitating, apparently long-term health issues as well. It’s always irked me that so many covid-hoaxers focus exclusively on the mortality rate when death is just one of a range of negative

I think a lot of families learned that if they’re not paying for child care they can get by on a single income. I know of several people in situations where one spouse makes up the bulk of the family income, while the jobs they were working brought in barely more than the cost of child care, so they’ve just decided to

“alexa, please give me a mysterious bill discrepancy.”

This was a lot more interesting when they started talking about it 20 years ago.

We have those lone star ticks, so I’m not looking forward to my meat allergy.

My dogs bring these damn ticks in all the time. Our dogs have been treated with tick preventatives so they just fall off and get on the nearest warm thing, but they’re not well and don’t really embed like a tick usually will.  It’s horrible. Our back yard is fenced, so I assume it’s squirrels that bring them in.

Dementia can make you look like that. Since all things Republican are about projecting their insecurities, it’s safe to say that the sleepy joe/dementia story about Biden is actually a sad admission that Trump is sundowning everyday.