
It was really unexpected when it threw you on the floor when you did a barrel roll.

Could this movie just end the DC Universe? WB trying to make this a thing is just fucking sad. Let the motherbox win.

You know, you’re right. It’s a good thing that other people think the same way because nobody would have a PC if they abandoned ship after one bad model. How many turds did Dell produce before the current XPS line, and even that is hobbled by Windows out of the box.

For the usage you’ve mentioned, most people would just be better off buying a USB-C dock. Then they can use all the existing stuff they have and still have a single connection hookup at their desk. I bought a CalDigit dock when i bought my 2016 MBP, but there are much better and much cheaper options on the market now.

Imagine being this fucking stupid. Jesus. If only that microwave would operate with the door open so they could stick their head in there.

That ring actually fell on his truck and crushed in the roof.

Could we just all agree that traditional car buying is fundamentally broken, and that one of the appeals of Tesla is that you just don’t have to deal with that. I don’t want to haggle with some dipshit that has to go to his manager to see if an offer accepted, and I don’t want yet another asshole to haggle with me at

Buying a car should be like going to target. The price should be posted, and then you buy it or you don’t. This haggling bullshit has got to go. I get that for some it is a sport, but fuck that. Get your kicks elsewhere.

It’s mac/PC all over again. Irrational arguments everywhere on both sides.

Well, for all its hand waving, NVIDIA doesn’t give a fuck that this is happening. They’re selling cards, and the scarcity drives up the interest for everyone so it’s win win for them.

They released it into their bellies.

Perhaps he’s in Houston and his brain is frozen. Yikes.

So this company invents a holographic button display and their first thought is toilets.

Our dog wants to go out for his evening walk at 10pm every night. He could be in a dead sleep in the other room, then 10pm rolls around on the clock, and he’s trotting in to let us know it’s time. He has a better internal chronometer than I do.

Cetylpyridinium chloride can stain your teeth black in some circumstances, and is only about 70% as effective as Listerine-like products. I’ll stick with the burn. 

I’m not sure a research article by a Doctor Fabricant is reliable.

“I want to tell people about my weird, special truck. I’ll wait till evening to take the photos without any flash.”

This is a cool product, but that’s an exceptionally shitty product video. IDGAF about Dorian or his likely-to-be-hellspawn children.

There would be fewer regulations for Spacex if they’d classify these prototypes as weapons.

This smells of ULA protectionism.