
Hey Douchebank, why don’t you shut the fuck up and go back to laundering money for the Russian mafia. Maybe if we tax you properly we won’t need to worry about taxing people working from home. Get Fucked.

That was my thought as well. Applying this to restaurants seems really dumb. I mean, how much emissions can you really say come from commercial kitchens.

On this season of Project Runway...

This is a human we could do without. Like DJT.

This was my guess as well. I mean it is sad, but it’s not any different than anyone else who has gotten into hot water with HELOCs. The fact that she had an equity infusion from a TV show is a totally separate issue from what she did with it.

I used to love the surgery show when I was a kid.  Let’s bring that back.

I think all of us with Citigroup accounts should let them know that we’re not comfortable with the security of our financial information being overseen by a nut case like this. He’s either a lunatic, or willing to take advantage of people for profit, neither of which is something I’m looking for in a security analyst

He’s probably afraid of losing his job, and he should probably lose his job. If he’s doing this shit on the side, I wouldn’t trust him with my information security. Who does he work for?

The Scan and Go alone would be worth $98/yr. That thing is a fucking life saver at Sam’s Club.

If Trump wins this election and gets another Supreme Court pick and 4 more years to dismantle norms and democracy, we will absolutely never get to address these problems. If you vote for anything other than Joe Biden in 2020, you are diminishing the chances to end this nightmare. Full Stop.

Democrats need every last vote they can get come November to get this shitshow out of the ditch so we can even begin to talk about actual reforms. If that means subsidizing the fossil fuel industry for another 4 years to avoid alienating any oil/coal country interests that can be swayed to win this election, then so

Nice try, Masterclass.

I fear that Star Trek drunk far too liberally from the time travel McGuffin stream to be able to make a any coherent canon story possible. We’ve had flash forwards, flash backs, and even flash sideways. We’re going to have to just retcon a fuck load of stuff thanks to Rick-fucking-Berman, and the best way is to just

The republicans really just can’t fucking learn anything in this pandemic. Their rush to re-open blew up in their face. The anti-mask bullshit has blown up in their face. And soon, the rush to re-open the schools will blow up in all our faces leaving dead teachers, students, and their families in its wake.

Attorney general Bill Barr has been fired after an appellate court required an inquiry into the tax filings of various Trump organization companies. Also, aliens are real and have been performing medical experiments on humans.

Meh, we’re good with losses of at least 750 downings of these air craft in a six month period. Put them back up and tell people to up their insurance. Also, people should feel free to punch the pilot in the balls before take off.

I’ve been wondering if it would be possible to create a thunderbolt 3 compute module to support x86 workloads on these future ARM macs. TB3 supports DMA so it seems like an external CPU could interact with the system memory with the right drivers.

My guess is that they use the console shifter because the Expeditions is based on the F150 platform. SUV drivers are more likely to prefer the console shifter I would think considering its family appeal, and by using this setup in the F150 they can simplify their cross-over parts between the two models. 

Maybe they’ll make an USB-C x86 compute dongle for apps that can’t be recompiled for ARM.

I’d say a good number of people buying the higher spec’d Macs are running some kind of virtualization of another x86 platform that just won’t work the same on these babies.