
This would only make sense on a Mac Pro with the $700 wheel kit and a $30 USB-C to Horse Tail dongle.

Could our peripheral vision being primarily black and white be important to detecting movement in that field quickly? The amount of information to be processed seems like it would be significantly reduced if it was strictly grayscale.

I just don’t get the idolization of McCandless by some people. This guy went to the woods to die, not to live. What he did is exactly the same as somebody going to the California shore determined to swim to China and dying a few hours later when they get tired and drown. When he refused the advice of the last guy that

It’s a good question, but it needs to be asked and considered carefully. Ed showed in his comment a new onset case.

Please don’t tempt 2020 with any more crazy ideas.

The whole internet should be shutdown. Bad actors on both sides of this protest have gained a foothold through validation.

Nice try at astroturfing, China. We have our problems, and we will fix them. Meanwhile Winnie The Xi....

The 2014 MBP was a planned obsolescence derailer. I have one too and that thing is still more functional than the 2017 MBP with the shit ass butterfly keys my work bought to replace it. Intel hasn’t innovated a great deal since then so the CPU performance is pretty good, and if you bought it with enough storage at

They’re not compatible at all without some very slow emulation, unless Apple has found a loophole. The version of Windows 10 that runs on ARM is built specifically for it, so programs that aren’t won’t run on that either.

Apparently, I may be one of the youngest COBOL capable programmers in the world at 38. I learned it in college, and my first job was cleanup from shortcuts taken for the y2k problem. I guess I’m code archaeologist.

Hmm, the last time this came around was 6000 years ago. Young Earth christians believe the world began around 6000 years ago. Coincidence?


Psychopaths. That’s who runs basically everything these days.

That homeless shelter is a fucking disgrace.

Yeah this is what I don’t get. Sure the economy is fueling his approval numbers, but (most) people won’t care about that when the bodies start piling up. He may be incapable of human emotion or care for someone other than himself, but the (most) voters surely are going to be pretty pissed off if they realize that

You can tell he loves them by the complete disregard they have received from him. Just like Tiffany.

An excellent post. It’s hard for me to believe the numbers about coal jobs in WV. There’s a consistent rise there since 2016, but they have had mine closings right and left since that time. I almost wonder if they’re counting new mine closure specialists as new coal mine workers. You can’t just pick up and leave a

But these folks will still vote for Trump in November. He’s like a slow motion Jim Jones, except he is also the cool-aid.

Is there a club for dipshit leaders like Bolsonaro, Trump, and Boris Johnson where they can get together to discuss how to always choose the wrong answer? How is it that they land on basically the same messaging?

And nothing will happen because the rules for regular people are different from the wealthy. These chucklefucks are not the only people that moved their positions on insider information before everyone else lost their shirts before potentially their lives. The guillotines...the guillotines are calling, with safe