
I got an email from Anika Reitman, another former SSM member who disputes some of the claims made by the women I spoke to for this piece. She’s given me permission to print her email — I have edited it lightly but here it is more or less in full.

I take the time to keep commenting because this article is highly upsetting to me and to many other participants in SSM and ever former participants that left in a regular kind of way, as in, not making it into a villain in their story or antagonizing the shit out of something that is actually quite unique and

My girlfriend is in Superstar Machine. I don’t know much about it because I consider it her business. But this feels way,way off. I’ve met about a dozen of her girlfriends who are fellow members, and all of them seemed perfectly well adjusted and normal- except for Katie Arnold. I had no problem with Katie personally,

This article is totally biased, one-sided, and doesn’t reflect all the people (including myself) that International has helped. Irresponsible journalism and lame reporting Anna! He is a visionary and has helped me be super successful in my life and in my marriage, and as a mom. The cult thing is ridiculous- last I

I am a current member of Superstar Machine and Hot School and damn proud of it! Both of these collectives have helped me invaluably and continue to change my life in the most amazing ways and the results are tangible! I could write a book and probably will at some point;) The women that are saying SSM is a cult are